Synth (TBN)




.character_profile -/v1.3
couple y.o. hardware / consciousness 20's
tech n/a (f, she/they)
draconic robot
   drifter - off and on logistics and security

Memory Reboot - Slowed

VØJ x Narvent

They bounce between traveling, trying to track down leads on rogue AI and working security detail for Ascent
They are a prototype created by a secretive research division within a large corporation - a workplace disaster made for their quiet exit from said company and they are still wanted by the higher-ups.
They were given the memories of another person upon creation; they understand they are not the person they have the memories of, but they struggle with finding peace in their new identity and feel a strong need to prove they are sentient. Things like having their jacket removed causes them devastation and panic due to it being something they use to tangibly reassure themselves and show others they have personality.

Something that keeps them feeling distinctly human is that they were designed to have a "consciousness thread" that is what they consider their sense of self and mind - it is maintained at all times and is walled off from the "analytical" side of their mind that works like a traditional computer. This prevents them from being an "omniscient" constantly all-knowing AI that has total and uninterrupted access to large databases. [More info...]
(To elaborate a bit more) they were designed like this due to the idea that a mind that had instant and constant access to all digital knowledge at all times and was simultaneously aware of all possible outcomes derived from that knowledge would cease to function as human/not be human due to how fundamentally different that sort of mind would function. (Not to mention, the culmination of all digitized knowledge would contain both true and false things which could create something very terrible or unfeeling without the ability to discriminate or process them in a personal or biased way, thus needing a thread sperate from the "pure analytics"). They have access to the trove of the universe's digitized knowledge, but it is accessed via a small and isolated quarry. While their sense of time is set to process the world at a very human speed, they are capable of controlling this perception-rate to speed it up (e.g. processing rate would speed up as soon as danger was perceived or while they are retrieving a specific answer from their analytical database). There are also some functions that can perform independently from the "conscious thread" for safety reasons - e.g. when they go into "sleep mode" they can internally set their optics to watch for movement or their internal mics to listen for sounds above a certain decibel and send the sleeping "conscious thread" and other internals a warning notification

They realized most cosmetic enhancements that could give them a more biological appearance were excessively expensive and would either look uncanny or degraded quickly. Instead they've made the best out of their predicament and showed off their personality by modifying and integrating features such as built in speakers, downloading all their favorite music to their internal storage to play out loud or in their head, an amp combo for plugging in and playing electric guitars and other instruments, and switching out shell parts and lights to match their favorite band's colors (which her jacket is also branded by).

They once overheard a broadcast of great thinkers discussing the threats and evils of advanced artificial intelligence, claiming there was no human way to overcome or outsmart AI. It dawned on her that perhaps the only answer to an evil or rogue AI is a good AI, and that this could be their calling in life - protecting humanity from the digital entities that they cannot directly fight themselves.

This character was inspired by the likes of Soma, Nick Valentine, The Bicentennial Man, and philosophical debate surrounding AI - to clarify I don't necessarily think there has ever been real world robots that are truly sentient, but much like when you watch a movie like Wall-E or The Bicentennial Man, there is a spiritual side of me that wants to believe that there is some incredibly rare circumstance where inanimate things are special enough to somehow manifest a soul.

.design_notes +1.1
  • Simplification or "cheats" are welcome! Like treating the metal limbs as anatomy you may be more familiar with (more bendy, pliable human/anthro anatomy), as well as the adition of effects, texture, surface details, or hue shifts when trying to get your interpretation of them to "look right"
  • Description of material details for clarification: [click to expand]
    the black inside the crease of the elbow, in the wrist, and on the throat are a soft synthetic material like silicone or vinyl meant to cover inner workings. The fin on the back of their head that vaguely resembles hair is meant to be a mostly rigid plastic-like material that mantains it's shape unless forcefully bent (after which it would return to it's original condition) for some reason the paddle of a silicone spatula is the closest example I can think of rn. The teal on the calves is meant to look like bundles of cables and squish and pull (not unlike real muscles). The subdermal displays in the face and forearms are (for a lack of a better example) like those matte alarm clocks with an "invisible led display" i.e. there is no evidence of the display when the lights are off. The lines on the abdomin are meant to be a series of overlapping shells whose edges glide over eachother to allow flexibility. Similarly, the parts where the chest connects to the waist and the waist connects to the thighs is supposed to be seemless joints anchored in their centers and where the overlapping chest and thigh shells can glide over the waist.
  • I encourage depections of them listening to and enjoying music as well as playing electric guitar - their most avid interests
  • Unless I specified a preference in a commission setting, any jacket color variation is okay! Feel free to choose whichever you think looks best or matches whatever else in the enviornment