The Pitcher



2 years, 9 months ago


"The Pitcher"

24 | 7'2" | ???


The Pitcher used to be a very upbeat individual, if a bit timid. Nowadays, he's much more cold and distant, not wanting to make friends in the off chance they get eaten by him in the future. Regardless, he still pursues his passion, even if it's from the shadows of night. He does however hold grudges, and is more likely to hunt you down and kill you if you piss him off in some way shape or form, going as far as to stalk you from the shadows to find when you'd be alone.


Born a hybrid between human and supernatural, The Pitcher seemed to pass enough as a human to interact and live alongside them, despite his monochrome appearance. He was teased for being seemingly albino, but aside from that he could interact with humans no problem. However, as time passed, a hunger grew in him, one that normal food could not satiate. He initially tried to distract himself from this hunger, resorting to sports like baseball. It worked for a time, and as an added bonus he was renowned for his strength. But distractions only lasted so long, and this unknown hunger grew too large to ignore. He soon discovered that this was likely tied to his supernatural side...Unfortunately, he only found out once he lost himself to his hunger.

A hunger of human flesh, as he'd soon find out.

Several individuals were seriously injured in this feeding frenzy. and soon after the incident he went into hiding. He spends his days in isolation, occasionally going out to devour corpses left behind in cemeteries or on the street. 


-He has a name other than The Pitcher...He doesn't go by it anymore.

-Knows how to turn meat into jerky, and usually munches on this if he has to go out in public to avoid a potential feeding frenzy.