Andrea Hirata



2 years, 9 months ago


Andrea Hirata


To an extent, Andrea Hirata had been one thing his whole life; invisible. To either his displeasure or benefit, or whether it has helped him or had been to his detriment, Andre had been almost invisible his whole life, despite his white hair, and despite his outstanding achievements to get to where he is now.

Someone raised on the values of the greater good, Andrea often sacrifices his personal enjoyment to prioritize other people’s experience, making him an exceptionally good team player, and someone who lends well to managing people. Though that doesn’t mean that Andrea is a pushover himself. A very gritty and resilient leader, he’s determined to tip the odds towards him and his people, often showing in how meticulous he is, and how quickly he reorients himself as the situation moves away from him. As an extension from his learned skills from managing people, Andre’s also eager to get to know people as more than a number, often befriending grunts and encouraging everyone else to treat himself as an equal; garnering a sense of camaraderie that’s renowned all throughout the Port Mafia.

Though, because of his very unorthodox and involved way of managing things, Andre has also gotten a reputation within the Port Mafia by others. He and his team often exist in its own bubble that has a reputation of gathering the most unruly grunts that have been booted off other command units, leading him to be quite distant from other members of the Port Mafia. And, because of his isolation from the whole of the Port Mafia as a whole, Andrea often feels removed from the larger conversation himself. Also because he always favors knowing people personally, he often handles loss poorly, shown in how slowly he rebounds from a loss of a grunt, or a ‘member’ as Andre often addresses. Andre also feels as if he always has a very liquid grip as to who he is as a person, the definition and fabric of which changing with the people around him, and the situation that begets him. Making him feel as if he’s an impostor within his own body, someone who cannot escape the feeling of not being someone that deserved the place he’s currently in now.

Above all, and no matter what he does in the Port Mafia, it seems as if Andre can’t escape the feeling of ‘being back to square one’. As, in his state now as Executive, he feels as if he is invisible once more, with none of the ‘members’ that he’s come to know and rely on being within a short arm’s reach from him.


Andrea Hirata
True Neutral
Asian; Proto Melayu
Bungou Stray Dogs; Yokohama City, Kanagawa Pref, Japan.
Port Mafia Executive.
Alive (for now)

Art: picrew

"If you're where you are talking to me, you might as well be in a dead end place. But, a dead end doesn't have to be so somber."


  • Andre likes drinking vodka, being that he’s an alcoholic, it's his beverage of choice. He’s also a bit of a chainsmoker, though he smokes in a lesser frequency than he does drinking vodka. Besides being an alcoholic and a chainsmoker, he also likes eating the old dishes he grew up with, which was kind of detailed in his hobbies. And, he also likes spending time, talking to people and those kinds of things.


  • One irrational dislike is his commute to work, specifically how many times he has to transfer trains to even reach the Port Mafia office. Although he has enough money to move to an apartment that’s closer, he opts not to. It’s wasted money he could’ve used to get drunk on better vodka. He also hates dealing and disposing of “dirty work”. Like throwing a body out in the river after he’d killed someone, despite being unnaturally good at the killing part. And he also absolutely loathes Durian for some reason. He just couldn’t get over the initial stench.


  • Surprisingly enough, Andrea likes to cook. He likes cooking the old dishes that his mom used to make him, which was a bittersweet way of bringing him back to the days gone past, when things were much simpler… But, besides cooking, he likes, or rather prefers to do things on his own. Whether it’s through his ability, or his father teaching him to do things “the good old way”, Andre often finds himself fixing things with his own hands, whether it’s changing the battery on his phone or changing the oil in his car. Though, there are also some hobbies that he had left behind in his past such as BMX and Parkour. Of the two, he had gained a tight friend group who he left as he progressed in life. As, he felt that he’s outgrown the two communities, and that his current occupation became too much to hide from people as close as them.


  • He, doesn’t want to be disowned by the people he loves. Which kind of happened when he got disowned by his parents and family back in Indonesia. More will be detailed in his backstory, but it’s safe to say that Andrea was, devastated after that. And, he couldn’t afford being disowned by others he deeply cares about, again.


Name: Edensor

Description: Although it’s hard to describe and pinpoint why his gift was called Edensor, Andrea may have some clues as to why it was such. As his father used to embark on trips to the UK for further education in his younger days, and resided in the sleepy village his ability was named after in the middle of his breaks in study. Perhaps, that, and the ability of him being able to discover what things are, are correlated…

Edensor Allows the user to gain information about the item by holding it. The ability brings up a HUD of sorts inside of the user’s eyes, enabling them to look and highlight parts of the object that would be blocked from view. Alongside that, he can also see where the object is from, who had built/placed, or is using it, what composition it’s made of, the objects in it are in it, what date it was assembled/placed, and conditions of the objects. The act of doing such isn’t visible to people looking at him. Andre can also lock pinpoints at objects instantaneously and calculate the distance between the object and him as long as there isn’t something like glass or objects obscuring the view between and the target.

With the information given to it, the user can use the information that he gets to his advantage. He can learn and adapt to objects more easily because of the additional information that he gets. The user can also find out about faults in an item. Like if his gun jams, he’ll instantly know what caused it, and he’ll be able to fix it as fast as it happened. This also comes in handy if he’s inspecting or repairing things, as he’s able to inspect the authenticity of objects, and even see tracers in printed circuit boards to find any broken traces that don’t work. He can also use the pinpoint ability to calculate projectile drop, as long as he has an understanding of how much velocity the bullet/projectile he holds has.

Though, the ability only takes into account what the object is made of and what’s inside it. So for example if he’s holding a pencil, the user won’t magically find ways about how to use it the best way possible, just the materials that are in it and such. The user won’t also be able to find information about abilities or items affected by abilities. Or the contents of liquids and/or gasses, as all aforementioned items are out of the reach of the ability’s capability. His pinpoint capability will also work as well as how much information it’s fed with, meaning that the more an object is obscured, the less information Andre can reliably get of it.

Personal Strengths

Andre deeply cares about the people he knows. And would not mind covering for people if it’s for something family-related. He knew the importance of meeting their loved ones. Since he himself lost them, one way or another. He’s also surprisingly good at keeping secrets, not breaking under pressure and not willing to spew even the most minute of secrets that wouldn’t amount to much. And, not to mention that Andrea’s one of the Port Mafia’s most skilled marksmen, with him leaving crime scenes as fast as he came and covering them up sufficiently that they turn cold as fast as they are picked up. Contributes to the reasons why he got up the ranks relatively fast.

Personal Weaknesses

His Alcoholism is, his main weakness. He doesn’t like that problem being touched upon by others, and would get significantly more aggressive if someone does so. Anything, relating his past, or things that he doesn’t want out, or known by people would probably lead to him losing his cool, and breaking. He also dislikes talking openly about his addictions, mainly Alcoholism and Smoking. He knows that it’s slowly killing him, and he’s pretty much accepted the fact. Taking it in as a bit of bad karma for what he had done in the past. And to touch on his fears, he’s very sensitive when it comes to people asking about his family, or if he hears anything about his past family or people he’s grown a relationship with harmed in any sort. As he’s willing to drop everything for anything he holds of a high regard, with them being one of his highest.


Andrea was born in Medan, Western Sumatera, Indonesia. His dad, Seman Said Harun had a relatively successful career working as a civil engineer. His mother, NA Masrurah, was a housewife to his father and she had 3 kids before Andrea. One brother and two sisters, all spaced two years in between each other. Andre’s father was a gifted, and Hirata eventually inherited his gift that way even as his other siblings didn’t. As, when he was 7 and playing around with his friends, he found that he could look into the early forms of his ability as he saw what the branch that he held at that time had, where it was from and all. He, didn’t tell it to his friends, but he told it to his dad first, as their relationship is pretty well developed at that time. But in a sense, gifted’s were shunned in his home country in general, so he never really used his gift in his early years as his dad told him off from doing so. Though, in spite of being shunned because of something he couldn’t have a say in, whether it was his unnaturally white hair or his gift that he couldn’t show to people. He lived a quite fulfilling childhood. As Andre managed to get good grades, whilst helping other students with their homework.

He’s generally regarded as a student that’s initially well liked by a lot of the teachers and other students. With accolades to back him up academically as he participated in multiple olympiads. His life was pretty much the same throughout junior high, and high school. Though, for the latter, as he didn’t manage to get into a school with higher passing grades, he ended up in a less than stellar public school. It wasn’t long until Andre fell into delinquency through the pressure of trying to conform with the others. With him skipping school, and coming to spectate a brawl, at one time. But regardless of the bumps, he did well enough in high school that his teachers tolerated Andre. His homework was always on time and with good grades, he’s attentive in class when he wants to, and his exam grades are one of the more stellar ones throughout his school. It was through this that he was granted a scholarship to attend Yokohama National University, an opportunity that he took as he saw it open up.. And though there were some hiccups throughout his university degree, mainly with how he dealt with the language barrier that was present in Japan, alongside the different cultures and customs he had to adjust to. He graduated with relatively good grades, even if he wasn’t a top scorer in his class like he used to. Whilst also continuing to further his old hobby in the new land he’s living in. As he made new friends, and made some videos about those hobbies.

After he finished his degree in accounting, he stayed in the country after getting citizenship and landing a job in the field that he majored in in university. But, life wasn’t really all sunshine and rainbows for him. As Andre cut his ties with his old friends as he dived head first into Japan’s job hunting culture. And, as a result of the feeling of loneliness he got from distancing himself from his old hobbies and friends. He slowly, but surely got into drinking and smoking. From cheap vending machine beer to store-bought vodka, his alcoholism got worse and worse. Which, as a result, strained the relations between him and his family, only worsening the feeling of loneliness that had gripped him as he stayed longer and longer away from his parents. And, sadly for Andre, it culminated in them cutting their ties with the then 23 year old. Although he slowly learned to control his alcoholism later on, he still got himself into a pretty deep hole, and his vodka drinking left him penniless each month after rent and his unpaid bills. Which, because of his bad spending habits from him accruing debt from vodka, he was left to borrow money from loan sharks.

To add insult to injury, he was laid off from his job because the company that he was working for was going under. Which left him in a pretty broken state as you can imagine. Left without a job, in a pretty pathetic living situation as he was strapped with debts that are bound to chain him for life, whilst being disowned by your parents that live thousands of kilometers from you. It broke him. And, It was at this time that he felt he’s ran out of options. And, a few weeks after his layoff, he cut the gas line of his stove, and intended to die of carbon monoxide poisoning. But, it was as if life had other, more demented plans, as another person heard the smoke alarm that rang, and called medics, who saved him, and tacked an equally devastating hospital bill for him as he was barely saved from a certain death.

It was in that context that, a few days after the ordeal, he was walking home from trying to find a job. He got to the bar, to get drunk and meet some new people there to make him forget what the fuck’s happeend to him. His ability served as a bit of a party trick, and he showed it to all of the patrons around him, and a person that he talked to in the bar approached him about entering the mafia or such. Admittedly, he wasn’t in his clearest mind. But even then, he was in debt and in need of some quick cash. He feels a bit indebted to the mafioso he was drinking with as he owed him a bottle or two. And it wasn’t as if he valued his life so much that he wouldn’t let himself join the Port Mafia, as seen in his previous attempts to take his own life on his own terms. But when he realized what he’s gotten himself into a few days after the fact, he deeply regretted it to say the least. He didn’t show up for a few days, before he did, and was immediately told to repo some money from a person who was out of his job and struggling like him. The first job went well. He managed to force the man to get some more money from his relatives, and he managed to get paid by the Mafia as a result, slowly relieving his own debts. And, after that job, he saw no turning back, as he slowly proved his worth to the Port Mafia as he sought to get paid more to get rid of his debts. It was clear to a lot of his co-workers back then that Andrea was someone that was more accepting of his job because of that reasoning.

Whether it was through him lacking his value in life that allowed him to butt into firefights most people usually don’t stand a chance in. Or it was through his sheer will of living debt free before he gets a bullet stuck in his head. Or rather, it was just him trying to put himself through the most amount of shit as possible as punishment for himself. He slowly grew to enjoy the job, the freedom he had to use his ability, the satisfaction that he got from releasing his pain and stress onto the victims he extorted, as he shouted and pushed them around before inevitably expending his bullets onto them. Which led to him seeking to contribute more of himself to the organization. As, to be honest, he didn’t have much if not any choices in his life. Either he leaves the Mafia abruptly and gets blackmailed constantly by his loan sharks from late dues. With the worst of the worst being that he gets executed for desertion in the Mafia. Or he stays, and sees where his course of actions might bring him.

So, Andre grew to do more for the organization from just killing and extortion. He grew to do more high stakes deals such as arms trades, bribery and collusion as he gained the trust of the people around him through his nonchalant and cool persona that he developed. From a lowly Mafioso, to him slowly working his ranks up to becoming a specialized Black Lizard marksman. He was certainly a Mafioso that caught the higher up’s eyes as he showed a high level of marksmanship for someone who's first experience with a gun was just a few months ago, and his ability to handle transactions well with the aid of his ability and his newly developed persona in the mafia. And, after moving up the ranks swiftly, three years into the job, one of those years spent becoming a Black Lizard member. Andrea became a Commander, commanding and taking care of his own set of mafiosi. Becoming a well regarded commander by his underlings through his relatively decent treatment of his members and leadership. And after his performance after the recent conflicts that had stricken the PM, it didn’t take him long after that to progress to his next rank as the Port Mafia.

After Ace’s sudden passing and the vacancy of the role that that opened, Andre was deemed to be the best fit for the role at such a short notice. As, with his prior experiences of adapting to his roles well in 1-2 years, and his ability to command units well as a Commander, not to mention his experience handling accounting jobs and things of the like, something that was bound to be needed for someone filling in the shoes of someone like Ace, he was chosen to be the one to fill in for him, either temporarily or permanently. Which explained the abruptness of Andre’s ascent to that role.

Though his induction to the elite role of Executive has received a neutral, and even negative reception from the vocal members of the Mafia from his relative nonchalance and unpredictability in his demeanor. It's still safe to say that Andre has gotten accustomed to the role a few months into his job. Though he still yearns his more involved role compared to his current one as he’s now more tasked with handling transactions, and revenues from the Port Mafia itself and its multiple facets. He still respects the decision, even though he yearns for his gunslinging days which have grown lesser and lesser. Although Hirata is grateful for the connections and friends he made in the Mafia. Growing a strong sense of loyalty to it as he wants to see the company prosper “in revenue terms”. A part of him still feels a bit empty as a distance grows between his old friends back as a Mafioso and a Command Unit leader. The way he doesn’t have the liberties he used to have, and how he watched his personal life wash away with the turn of time as he became engrossed in the life of a Mafia Executive. only added insult to injury as he lost his way in life, putting on a veil that masqueraded his true self in pursuit of showing loyalty.

He still drinks, with his alcoholism spiraling more out of control as he gets a larger check. His now spiraling habit of chain smoking also got worse, which would be apparent with his clothes’ frequent stench of cigarettes. Though, he still tries to keep a comfortable part of his pay to help him stay afloat. As is apparent with his “midlife crisis” purchases, such as a new 400 thousand dollar supercar that he doesn't even use that often. Andrea still struggles to put his past, and the reason why he ended up here behind him. Even if he’s still in the best place he’s ever been in financially, with no debts under his name, and with him having all the money he’d ever wanted in the past. His mental state, his alcoholism, his humanity, everything about him, has never been in a state that’s any worse after the plunge into the Port Mafia. Something that he isn’t certain would change in the near future.




As mentioned in his backstory, they broke contact with him and disowned him. I mean, he’s now basically an alcoholic, and a chainsmoker who's left with no job and pennies to his name when it happened. Which would probably be made even worse if now, they knew that Andre’s the Executive of one of Japan’s most notorious crime syndicates. He still tries to contact them, but it’ll always result in a dead end no matter what. Most people would give up, but Andre just wouldn't. Which just showed how much they mean to Andre.


Andre has 3 siblings. One brother, and two sisters. All three of his siblings have broken ties with Andre, and have practically wiped his existence out of their lives as they led their respective ones. And they always do their utmost effort to erase Andre out of their livelihoods. Though, in Andre's Homecoming, there was an untold part of Andre’s story.

After he stopped at the hotel, and walked to the place to book a room, he saw a familiar face, as the hotel’s manager was his brother. He remained there, and stood silent as he came up and stood in front of him. There was a feeling of shame that he couldn’t have lived down as he stood in front of him with his untidy outfit.

“Kok bisa begini, Dre?” Was the question his brother posed to Andre, which roughly translates to: “How did you end up like this, Andre?” Andre answered with silence, before he pulled some money out of his wallet, and grabbed the room key that he was about to give him. He received the money back the next day. However, he left it in his room as he went to the airport to catch the flight back to Yokohama. Which ended his fleeting encounter with his eldest sibling, his brother.


To put things here would be hard, as after his affiliation with his Mafia, he gradually became a lone wolf; a hermit to anyone but the people inside of the Port. Although he still keeps tabs with his old friends in University, the people that arguably got him into this hole in the first place. He keeps his true occupation a secret, and he puts up a mere shell of himself when he talks to them. But, in the mafia, he’s quite well regarded as a marksman, and a trusted person in general who’d probably bring your secrets to his grave. And, one person that takes full advantage of this, is... Tachihara! He and Andre are actually best friends since they've met eachother in the Black Lizard, and he, to Tachi, serves as a bit of an older brother figure, displayed by the age gap and the closeness they hold to eachother.


Andre doesn’t regard anyone as his enemy per se. He has the thinking that it’s better to remain relatively neutral unless provoked, as making enemies with anyone before meeting them would do more harm than good. And, this has surprisingly got himself out of some sticky situations, more often than not. This also means that he feels completely comfortable coming to Cafe Uzumaki to have a cup of coffee, even if he knows that the ADA is a roof above him.


If he were to regard anyone as his rival. It’d probably be the people who he shares his rank with, A.K.A. the other Executive’s, such as Chuuya, Kouyou, et cetera. Although this is more of an one-sided rivalry, and even then, he doesn’t take it too seriously. Though, as they are bestowed the same role, Andrea still strives to be of the same worth, or of even more worth to the Port Mafia. As he sees him equaling the importance of the two, even if he doesn’t have the sheer power that both ability users possess, as something that’s expected of him.

Additional Information


Weapons: For the most part, Andrea carries a FN Five-seveN handgun in a concealed holster. Though, in certain special missions, Andrea either carries a Steyr Scout or a Dragunov SVDS with him in a violin case. He also wears an ammo belt around his waist that has a few extended pistol mags and a few rifle cartridges, whilst also having a Karambit stashed in his back pocket. He doesn’t carry the Karambit everywhere, though. And mostly uses it in special operations alongside his rifle and mag belt.

Favorite Color:
Gunmetal Gray
Favorite Food:
Fried Rice, Kwetiau, Rendang, Childhood stuff like that.
Voice Claim:
Daisuke Namikawa
Author the Character is Based off of:
Character Playlist:
Honestly? Just do yourself a favor and listen to the whole MBDTF album that the Theme Song is in.

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