
2 years, 7 months ago



The Forgetful


Name: Helmi Called: Helmi
Gender: Female (She/Her) Age: It's Complicated (Adult (equivalent of 18 human years))
Sign: Leo (August 2) MBTI: ENFP-T
Height: 3'1" Build: Slim
Demeanor: Sweet but in constant disarray Style: Cute
Origin: The Kingdom of the Sea... probably? Race: Lion
Role: Disciple Alignment: Neutral Good


  • Flowers
  • Water
  • Chatting


  • Fighting
  • Losing things
  • Thinking about the past



There was an oracle, once, long ago. She had great gifts, but used them not to aid the gods, but rather to help mortals. Another seer, older and more experienced than her yet threatened by her abilities, used his own magic to cloud her vision, and trap her in a terrible curse. Though her friends sought the oracle out and tried to save her, they too fell under his spell.

Among those friends... was Helmi, supposedly. So she was told by the oracle, when the curse was finally broken. And yet...

Though her memories should have returned when the spell over them was lifted, Helmi recalled no such past. She had memories, yes, but they were blurred and faded, tattered around the edges, like a parchment left in the elements. Was she friends with this oracle, or had she simply gone, as the mortals who'd broken her curse had, to her hut to seek advice? She remembered a kingdom beneath the waves... but was that the same as the one which stood against the titan now? And what of the snippets of the family she recalled from cubhood? Did they still live?

Whatever the case, she was given a new purpose in the current moment. The oracle, still living even now, so long after her ensnarement, told her that she could be of help to the gods who had, alongside the mortals of the kingdoms of sea, sky, and land, helped her achieve her freedom. And so, with so little of her past to fall back on and trusting the oracle's guidance, she joined them in their realm.

Perhaps she would find the truth in time...


Coming soon...


  • In spite of Bora's abilities to access and alter the memories of other living beings, when diving into Helmi's memories, he's unable to find anything of substance. Given the fact that the curse placed on the oracle and her friends was broken, he's unsure of whether this is a sort of residual magic locking her memories away, or something else entirely...
  • Even outside of her past, Helmi is generally forgetful and clumsy - In particular, she's very bad at not losing the flower she keeps perched on her head by her horn. She keeps saying she's going to get some string and tie it in place so it stops falling off or drifting into her eyes, but if she's actually gone through with that plan, it hasn't seemed to work all that well.
