
2 years, 9 months ago


Madame Noire, the lady of darkness-- a disgraced withered rose within a land of wonder... and power. Magic is abound in her realm, and she is the best of the worst. Constantly evading the law, her reputation of crime tends to precede her to those in the know of the underground. Not that it detracted anything from her own abilities- she's smart and cunning in her own right, not to mention strong in both magic and strength. But... why, one may ask? Well to her, all knowledge is good knowledge; and she wants to know all she can. It has been said she was once a student for a prestigious academy, one that cultivated her power to bloom into something greater. Despite that, she wasn't satisfied with what she was being taught, and went into forbidden magic to learn more. She knew never to use the spells she found, and yet- slam! The then-student was shunned for her actions, a blatant infraction of the rules of not only her place of study, but her world as she knew it. This made her turn her back on the hustle of daily life, and thus she was known- the Black Hole Witch, with control over the cosmos itself. 

Despite this, that didn't mean she didn't have a good side. One close to her could admit she had a sense of humour, and was always open to giving advice and knowledge to those she appreciated. Business was important of course, and it would be best not to argue against her in such times unless one wished to see sass and annoyance; but she always made time otherwise. Essentially, she was a rock to lean on when on her good side, and a dragon to fear on the other. Not to mention she was never alone, building up a criminal empire from the ground up known as La Rose Centauri (or Centauri Rosas, alternatively).

Currently living in a bustling city, a well off apartment for her normal life, coming down into her group's private speakeasy in the night. 

She/they, 33.