Princess Hanami



2 years, 9 months ago


Princess Hanami, the princess of serenity and Mistmane's long-lost daughter. There's nothing she loves more than sitting in her garden, drinking tea and watching the petals fall. She got lost while playing in a forest clearing as a child and her mother was unable to find her, but Hanami wasn't scared—she quickly made a home in the peace of the seemingly ever-blooming trees, with a place always set at the tea table for the mother she was sure would return. She didn't even seem to notice her own alicorn transformation, so caught up was she in the beauty of the nature all around her.

Hanami is quiet but not at all shy; she's eager to learn about the world and how it has changed in her absence. She has an absentminded, head-in-the-clouds nature, and often can be caught staring out into the middle distance, blissfully unaware of the time passing around her.