Rurik Zeni



2 years, 9 months ago


name: Rurik Zeni

age: ???

gender & pronouns: Trans Dude (He/Him)

height: 6' 3" (190cm)

orientation: Gay

significant other: Dante Zogratis kinda sometimes :/

homeland: Spade Kingdom

position: Captain of the Guard for the Spade Kingdom & the Dark Triad's Bodyguard.

magic affinity: Blight Magic


+ Not Much LMAO
+ Books, especially guidebooks and manuals
+ Cold Weather
- Humanity
- Being Touched
- People looking down on him/others
- Himself/His Magic
- Dante :/

hobbies: Training, Sparring, Fighting of any form really, Doing his job, Intimidating people. for funsies, cross stitch :)


  • He is mean
  • The only person he really gets along with is Zenon and that's because they've never once said a word to each other outside of business reasons. They pass each other in the hall and nod solemnly at each other and that is the extent of their interaction.
  • Dante and Vanica LOVE to harass him All The Time
  • Very rarely uses his actual magic to fight, mostly uses a variety of weapons or his fists if need be
  • Adamantly refuses to get any power from the devils
  • His facial scar is from himself when he first got his powers and didn't know how to use them

uhhhhhhhhh was abandoned by his family and treated awfully by the rest of the people in the village because his magic is fucked up and evil. Grew up to be very bitter and spiteful because of that. Hates humanity because he thinks people are inherently selfish and awful.

Fairly early on he decided to join the Spade military, mostly in order to survive, but also because he wanted to get stronger AND get the chance to kill people. He spent most of his life climbing the military ranks and becoming recognized as one of Spade's most skilled and ruthless fighters. He was frequently put into missions/groups with a young Dante Zogratis, for their similar power levels and stone-faced demeanor. Dante, much to Rurik's chagrin, took a shine to him for his skills and his incredibly destructive and powerful magic. 

Once the Dark Triad overthrew Spade, Dante specifically sought Rurik out to be his/his siblings personal bodyguard, and the head of the military forces they had. He refused at first, but Dante didn't really give him a choice in the matter, either he helped them or he died. Rurik didn't care much if he lived or died, but after hearing a bit of their plan to destroy humanity he contemptuously agreed to Dante's offer. Now he's basically Dante's plaything in more ways than one <3