The Gadget (Sam Christy)



2 years, 8 months ago


Poor Sam is yet another test subject from the Nuclear Human Pit Experiments conducted in the 1950s- specifically to adapt injured or handicapped soldiers into nuclear human weapons (super soldiers). He's got problems : (  His prototype body clunky; his blood needs to be filtered every few days or so. He's also pretty heavy (all that lead lined armor keeps the radiation out). He suffers from seizures and back pain because his robot prosthetics were difficult to integrate into his human body.

Gadget has a difficult relationship with Godiva while they're undergoing experiments at Diablo Canyon Labs (DCNPP&ERL). They argue, often leading to physical fighting. Gadget is insecure about his lack of control: what's happening to his body, who's dictating his experiments, what happens in his civilian life, etc. When he undergoes cyborg treatment, this is the first time he has physical control over himself and others (he feels powerful and respected). Gadget sees the labs as a saving grace for weak soldiers and disagrees with Godiva's stance that they're using people as weapons for war.

The Gadget was designed for a Metal Gear roleplay that never went anywhere, so technically he's a fan character!