N.C.A.I - Nose Cone A.I.



2 years, 8 months ago


N.C.A.I (Nose Cone A.I.) aka Nika is a sentient ICBM Missile. Created during the Atlas-X programs of the Cold War, Nika was to assure mutual destruction on the logic that no one would question a robot's motivations. The Atlas-x program was scrapped in the mid 1950's after several launch failures.

Nika has big GladOs vibes and is Lady Godiva's love interest (they're both considered  'weapons' and treated as such).

This character is a heavy work in progress, but this is what I have so far :)

Physical Characteristics: Nika resembles an Atlas ICBM and is housed in a Titan II silo. Her 'brain' is located in the nose cone, and if removed (be careful!) looks like a hunk of sensors, a nuclear pit, and 1950's tech. She is carried around in a wheel barrow and can 'feel' with several sense pads (holding one would be like holding her hand). She likes to listen to the radio and watch the stars above her silo.

Later on, Victor builds her a humanoid body (but makes her a little too scary, cmon Victor). This form is inspired by Maria from Metropolis, and different sex bot art of the 80s.