


2 years, 9 months ago


Shine bright like a diamond ohhh

  •  Name   Diamond 
  •  Height   6'0" 
  •  Pronouns   He/Him 
  •  Introvert   Extrovert 

  •  Intuitive   Observant 

  •  Thinking   Feeling 

  •  Dumbass   Egotistical 

"Quote here lol."


An easily flustered and big softy is who Diamond is, he stutters his words alot and gets nervous alot (especially when meeting new people). He's also an idiot that messes things up when put under pressure, Diamond is most probably the absolute opposite of the word charismatic.

Despite him being rather ignorant at times he's incredibly patient, focused and creative. When he does have a solid or intelligent idea and gets praised for it he gets very flustered!


He has the ability to turn invisible or other objects invisible as long as he's holding the said object. Though it seems pretty useful he almost never uses it (sometimes even forgetting he has the power to do so).

Diamond funnily enough has stolen a diamond before while using his invisibility but he immediately regretted it and returned it while making up a story he saw someone steal it. This caused him to have a high status but he feels like he never lives up to the expectation people give him yet he doesn't want to confess he's the one who stole it. (Probably another reason he rarely uses his powers).

  •  Power Type Visibility 
  •  Age 21 
  •  Voice-Claim Shuichi Saihara 
  •  Sexuality   Straight/Questioning
  • ● Likes to play badminton (pretty good at it too).
  • ● Lowkey sucks at technology.
  • ● Can tap dance really well.
  • ● Has questioned his sexuality way to much times (and still kinda is).
  • ● He really likes the 'How To Train Your Dragon' movies and watched the final movie with Suri and Razy once, he was holding back tears near the end.
  • ● Hides the fact that he likes Ed Sheeran's music.
  • Hot chocolate
  • Beanies
  • Early mornings
  • Jazz + Love songs
  • Badminton
  • Dad jokes
  • Spiders
  • Public speaking
  • Planes
  • Anchovies
  • Fast driving
  • Heights


Rocky - They workout together and give each other advice for their problems since they open up to each other most of the time. It's all around a very positive bromance.

Frosty-- It's always pretty awkward when they hang out but it's never too uncomfortable. They like to go to art museums together, it's just a peaceful time.

Windy - They normally hang out in the early mornings since they wake up early compared to the others. Despite his nervous personality he feels the most relaxed with Windy around. They both talk about their well-being and life, like an actual stable friendship.

profile html by Hukiolukio