Marion - the Derby Bandit



2 years, 8 months ago


Marion, a Thing who gets along with Raptors better than he does other Things. His sharp teeth are actually unethically sourced from bar brawls with Raptors! He goes by the Derby Bandit, Marauding Murderer, Rambunctious Rampaging Raider, and other appealing titles.

Regardless of his reputation, he is an undoubtably good manager when it comes to controlling commodities and people. He's the Known World's greatest coalmaster.  

Even with his villainous reputation, his employees tend to live longer and have better lives.  

In his older age, he is more focused on his love for his mines and his hatred for the Frontier. An old wound that has constantly festered over the decades.

Their utilitarian ways, the way they treat Raptors and other outsiders,

their glorification of selling your life away, how could a rebellious spirit like Marion not hate it?

Especially after they took his only brother away?

Perhaps he's only a villain in the Frontier's eyes.