Nanami $75




name Nanami
alias The Rainy Hero, Storm
age 15
gender Female (she/her)
height 5’9”
orientation Bisexual
species quirked human
role student
theme ()

status nfs
worth $100

Nanami is a young aspiring student, who struggles greatly with her quirk. 


Nanami is a an extremely insecure girl, who struggles with self confidence and staying positive. She is by no means moody, but often takes things personal and is ruled by emotion. She often struggles with her intrusive thoughts and faces depression and anxiety in her day to day life. The only one who can cheer her up is usually her best friend, Natsu. 

School Life

Nanami is a first year at Senketsu High School, who wishes to become a pro hero out of spite. Her relationship with her classmates is relatively strained, although it’s mostly on her end. They often reach out and make an effort to befriend her, but her own self doubts get in the way frequently. She does well in school, especially the written aspect, but it’s clear she struggles to control her own quirk, and her emotions. 


Nanami 5’9”, slim, and a little bony. Her hair is her natural color, which was a deep purple when she was born. As she aged, she developed some almost gold highlights that shine in the bright sun. Her completion is pale, which is echoed in her deep silver eyes. They typically change color to reflect the clouds that appear in the sky, which ranges from a bright white to a deep stormy grey. When extremely angry, her parents have sworn they’ve seen electricity like lighting bolts flash. Despite all of this, she can see perfectly fine. 

Quirk Overview

Nanami’s quirk is a detailed one. In its simplest form, she can control the weather. However her quirk has brought her quite a bit of misery. She struggles to control its affects, and it is closely tied with her emotions. Because of this, and her somber personality and outlook, it is almost always raining. She rarely sees the sun. Her quirk can give her control of lightening, thunder, rain, lightning, snow, hail, and even fog. This is increasing difficult however, and if her emotions are strong enough it quickly spirals out of control. On her worst day, Nanami must carry an umbrella around indoor to protect herself from the storm cloud which may form a move her. It usually only affects herself, unless someone gets too close. 

Quirk Details

Nanami’s quirk allows her to control all aspects of natural weather. As of right now in her story, she can create small tornadoes, roll in a strong fog, and make it hail, rain, snow, or bring on a thunderstorm. She has little control over where the lightning strikes however, and since it is in a targeted area it is considered very dangerous.

Quirk Drawbacks

where She has very little control over the emotional aspect of her quirk. She can sometimes disperse a storm if calm, however cannot make the rain stop. The area she affects ranges, however will always have affect directly over her. Due to her strong emotions and no outlet, the weather she causes will often take over, worsening her mood. 


Nanami grew up in a home with her mother, Nana, and her father, Akito. Nana was a kind hearted woman, who struggled greatly with her health. In the beginning it was simply an incident where she collapsed, but it evolved quickly into a much more life threatening condition. Akita was a businessman when she was young, and they were happy, despite her mother’s illness. He worked for a tech company that built support gear, and he was slowly climbing the ranks due to his skill. However, when she was 8, he was introduced to a shadier side of the business. He was approached by a man in a bar after his newest success had went viral, and in his drunken state and promises of new riches- he accepted a deal with a villain who wished to supply the small group with gear custom to their quirk. From their things a darker turn. Her father was involved more and more with villains, how blackmailed him for gear and tech. As time went on however, he began to bath in the profits and grow away from his family. At age 10, Nanami’s father was promptly discovered and fired. From then on he was on the run from the police, and abandoned his family for their own safety. At age 11, he was arrested.
After this, Nanami and her mother were left alone. Due to the stress and time passing, Nana was hospitalized once more. She recovered rather quickly, however while she was in inpatient, she met a doctor named Daisuke. Despite her great grief, Nana found comfort and happiness once more. At age 13 her mother was remarried, and the two combined families. Now, Nanami lived with her mother, stepfather, and her older stepbrother Miko.
Throughout this process however, Nanami struggled greatly with coming to terms with both her parent’s states, the new shift in relationships between her mother and Daisuke, and her every raging quirk she couldn’t control. She changed from being the cheerful and outgoing girl who always saw sunny skies, to a quiet and shy girl who never saw the sunlight. She struggled with her classmates, who always have her a hard time over her father and her quirk. Eventually the bullying got nearly impossible to handle, until an upset classmate, Natsu took notice. It took the man a few months to notice, but soon he took notice of the ever growing storms. When he finally stepped in, it was when he noticed her being followed into the girls bathroom after class. He had come to ask her to walk home with him, but ended up waiting nearly 10 minutes for her to come out. From outside the bathroom however he heard thunder crack, and two girls ran out giggling to themselves. Natsu grabbed the two girls by their wrists and dragged them back in, knowing something had happened, when he found Nanami on the floor, sobbing and soaking wet. From them on, Natsu was always there to walk her home from school, and make sure she was safe. Natsu prides himself on protecting anyone who needed it, and aspired to be a hero. Because of this, he inspired Nanami to try and follow in his footsteps, despite her dreary quirk. She practiced hard to control it, and hoped to get into U.A. High School like he planned to. However, unfortunately, Natsu failed the U.A. Entrance exam, and settled with Senketsu instead. After that, Nanami did not bother to attempt U.A.‘s exam, and instead only went for Senketsu. Shortly after she applied however, her mother fell ill once more. Over the summer, just two days before the acceptance letter, her mother passed. Daisuke invited her to stay with them, and she agreed, although their relationship was awkward.

  • Cats
  • Sunny days
  • Smoothies
  • Miss. Joke’s attempts to “help”
  • Being too emotional 
  • Her home

educated ignorant

empathetic logical

organised messy

confident insecure

Design Notes
  • Nanami’s storm clouds depend on her mood. She does not always have a storm cloud above her head, but is usually accompanied by rain.
  • She always carries her umbrella with her.
  • Her quirk is loosely based off of Juvia from fairy tail, but closely related to her given quirk from Satisha-meow, her designer.