Vulcan Praetor



2 years, 8 months ago

Basic Info




10 months






40 inches tall and 190lb


Lawful neutral


Vulcan would grow to become a giant in coparission to others of his species with 42inches tall and a weight or 190lb he will stand out on a crowd. But not only with his size he would have the chance to stand different. His coat would show two colours. It being divided by the dark and light. From his head down to the middle of his body he will be painted in a very dark red almost black. And the other half to his back legs and upper tail will be a lighter shade of red. In his face a bright red marking can be spotted, only found on his right side of the face. His eyes will be melted steal as they will be silver like little moons that against his red coat they would stand well.

Vulcan will show a undaying devotion to his name and line, as he grows he would show an outstanding interest in learning and adopting the costumes his family had gotten through the years. As such, he would seek his father to get from him the knowledge and training he would need for one day becoming the best representative of the Preator bloodline. He will work beyond tiredness to become what his father wished for him to be. Strong and capable of standing for himself, he won't allow others to step over him or depend enteraly on others for his own well being, He will despise any weakness not only out but also within his family. He only wants his family to strive and become the best Boreas had ever seen. He though will love his family and will give his life for them. Becoming a workaholic to their cause he wont find as much time to build strong relationships with others. Not like he would deny any chance for friendships but he would certainly forget relationships does exists. And sometimes he would even put his training above his own well being and above any bonds he would ever construct. He wont be incecesarily violent or prompt to rage outburst but if his family is on the line or if there is no way of a better path he would be as cruel as he could be, ready to destroy anyone who dares to put a paw on his loved ones and on his cause. He will fight for what he wants, he wont wait for others to do it for him. He wants to work for his goals, he would rather win his ranks than them being handled to him.