[ FT ] Esca Alne



2 years, 8 months ago


ON HOLD for LadyTrSharon
I'm slowly losing my mind

  • 19 (X791)
  • Rogue Cheney pairing bc yes, sorry Sting you're old news
  • Mage of the Mermaid Heel Guild; her Guild Mark is on the nape of her neck which can only be seen when she pulls her hair over her shoulder
  • Fear Magic is a Caster Magic which allows Esca to manipulate the fear from others and use it against them. This Magic has a form that can be used for both attack and defense by creating creatures made of fear or simply by freezing her opponents in their place leaving them vulnerable to attacks.
  • she may look like your dumb big tiddy bimbo but she's actually rather intelligent and downright scary; she develops a inner visage that resembles a ferocious bear to indicate that she's pissed
  • she has a history with Sting that she'll never tell to anyone; whenever Sting tries to bring it up, she acts like she doesn't know him
  • I haven't even designed Zelezia and now look at me creating yet another damn FT OC