Genie (Regular Show AU)



1 year, 7 months ago


Name: Genie 

Gender: Female

Age: 24

Species: Cat

Appearance: All white, with long cheek fur. Exotic collar with Aztec themed triangles of gold and bronze.

Personality: Sweet, giving, excitable, clingy, tidy, passionate, quick to anger when offended, possessive of things/those she loves (example her collar/Benson)

History: A very generous French billionaire, Genie strives to help anyone she possibly can. A hobby of hers is applying for low paying jobs and seeing who out of her fellow employees are most down on their luck/would be deserving of a million dollars. She comes upon an online advertisement of the park and applies for a job, traveling there and fulfilling the tasks given to her, all the while observing the other employees. She assess that out of them all, Benson is the most unhappy with the job. She wants to give him the money, but after getting to know him, she finds that she has feelings for the gumball machine. She realizes that once she reveals her reason for being there and gives him the money, her mission would be accomplished and she could move on to help someone else. Perhaps along with the money, he would accept her heart too...?

Family: Unknown

Crush: Benson

Power: None

Villain, Hero, or Neutral?: Hero (Mostly) 

Main (Applicant), Recurring, or Cameo?: Main

Occupation: Groundskeeper
