Doctor Placket



2 years, 8 months ago


Name: Doctor (first name) Placket (last name), you can call her Dr. Placket and other variations though :)

Age: honest to god she has forgotten, gives a different answer every time someone asks

Pronouns: she/her

Species: human.....? human enough

Height: taller than you.

In a remote and inaccessible corner of the coast sits a massive coiling tower, the structure is built into and jutting out of a cliff-side where the ocean rages uncontrollably below. Within the spire dwells an enigmatic figure of questionable humanity, Doctor Placket lives alone and spends all of her time perfecting her craft (and boy does she have a lot of time). She uses a mixture of textile and surgical talents to play god and create life which she then unleashes on unsuspecting citizens that live beyond the forests that conceal her presence. She has no remorse and no intention to stop, any pleas to do will fail to reach her so dont even bother. Shes the kind of woman to laugh at you as you grovel and cry and beg for mercy or whatever losers do (she wouldnt know). But its.. Not like anyone is really complaining? 

The things she makes are incredibly benevolent stuffed animals who love to help out their friends which includes anyone who is nice to them. They are incapable of causing harm in most cases and are very soft to the touch and well made. The benevolence was not intentional but they take care of the lab and most of the chores which gives Dr. Placket more time to electrocute herself and throw rocks at seagulls. Shes loud, shes mean, shes arrogant and can back it up which makes her nearly impossible to talk to unless you agree that shes the smartest and sexiest person in the room. She takes utmost pride in her creations and treats them kindly and complimenting them is the fastest way to get on her good side because its stroking her ego AND making the stuffed animals happy at the same time. While she makes sure their needs are met, she does not take care of herself whatsoever.

 She doesnt neglect her own health because of self hating reasons, shes accidentally made herself immortal and abuses that to get more done in a day. Its not unusual to find her passed out on the floor somewhere after she stays up eating energy drinks (can and all baby) for so long it causes her heart to temporarily stop. If you try to ask her any personal questions that dont relate to her work she will give you conflicting answers and she plants fake evidence about herself for nosy people to find because she likes messing with people and the drama of it all. She also dresses very messily and is kind of gross ngl she bathes but she is the type of person to spit on her hand to wipe someone elses face. Overall shes fucked around and found out and is now having the BEST time of her life possible. If you call her smart she WILL let you take home one of the stuffed animals if they like you. 


-the patches on her body are cloth but still work like skin. do not ask her how she manages to do this, trade secret

-the stuffed animals are also like that where they are biological and synthetic at the same time

-she cant make clothes and has to source those from elsewhere

-has an ongoing war with the seagulls because they keep trying to steal her shiny things and attack her stuffed animals

-often forgets to wear her goggles when doing experiments and keeps blinding herself

-massive lesbian. women call her 

-her middle name is Agatha

-she has the worlds flattest ass

-has been alive for a long time but wont tell you how long

-the spire has internet access

-she laughs manically constantly. it might actually be her normal regular laugh its impossible to tell

-is always accompanied by at least one of her little creations (they love her very much)

-built the spire herself