The Writer



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: ???

Nickname: The Writer

Gender: agender (He/they)

Species: He is a god but in the terrenal world he takes the form of an elf

Age: ???

Affiliation: The woods

Job or occupation: unknown, nobody knows how he survives.

Personality: Mischievous but kind-hearted, he knows when he needs to be serious.

Weapon: Bow. The bow is actually his book transformed, the arrow his quill.


Nobody knows who he is or where he comes from, but it's not like they can ask him, since he talks in riddles.

He is always seen carrying his quill and and a really big book, but if someone tries to read the contents of the book, he quickly close it saying that "the world would explode if common people lay their eyes on it!"

He currently lives in the woods. He claims to sleep in the trees and eat with the squirrells, but who knows? Maybe he lives in a castle or in a cozzy cabin or, what if he lives inside his book? That is what children in town say.