London Esmé Skye



"... And so Esmeralda's inhabitants are spared the boredom of following the same streets every day. And that is not all: the network of routes is not arranged on one level, but follows instead an up-and-down course of steps, landings, cambered bridges, hanging streets. Combining segments of the various routes, elevated or on ground level, each inhabitant can enjoy every day the pleasure of a new itinerary to reach the same places. The most fixed and calm lives in Esmeralda are spent without any repitition."

"A map of Esmeralda should include, marked in different colored inks, all these routes, solid and liquid, evident and hidden. it is more difficult to fix on the map the routes of the swallows, who cut the air over the roofs, dipping long invisible parabolas with their still wings, darting to gulp a mosquito, spiraling upward, grazing a pinnacle, dominating from every point of their airy paths all the points of the city."

Invisible Cites, "Trading Cities 5", pg. 88-89; Italo Calvino.


► Age ~ 12
► Gender Male (He/Him/His)
► Race Parrapup
► Song TBD
► Sexuality TBD
► Bonded N/A
► Role Child
► Alignment INFJ / Chaotic Good

🎂 Birthday is Jun 23rd!


London is a very imaginative little boy who's very curious and shows an aptitude for origami. When he's not watching his 'Fraggle Rock' DVDs or reading 'Harold and the Purple Crayon' out loud to anyone who will listen (which is a special accomplishment considering that the book has no words), he likes to run around pretending that he's the king of his very own country where everyone and everything is made of paper.... with the exception of bubbles, because he likes to blow them, and the little silver fish that swim through the air. Which he insists are really tasty. Even his crown (that he made himself and refuses to take off) is made of paper! Meanwhile, Wissenschaft is a duke and a wizzard (yes - with two Z's! He's also a Discworld fan!) and his advisor, who happens to come from lands far to the west, while Cairo is a knight and an adventurer and another advisor who hails from the east. Whenever London can rope his dads into his game, he does!


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Family History

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Present Life & Occupation













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