Slinky (revisiting?)



2 years, 9 months ago

Basic Info


Slinky (nickname)




He/him or any






Slinky šŸ‘šŸ‘ heā€™s my incubus son

The only time he can walk around as himself is on Halloween so itā€™s his favourite day šŸŽƒ

His name origin??? well uhh I just knew iĀ wanted an incubus character and a character named slinky so I mixed those together and bam son. In his actual backstory about it his original name isnā€™t slinky, but when he goes to the human world he finds one fascinating and asks people to call him that. But I guess in a way it kinda fits?? Slinkies are springy bounce bounce woaaaa and so is mr demon guy he just doesnā€™t sit still. Theyā€™re also funĀ to throw down stairs, gets tangled in stuff easily.

Slinky used to look much different, hes still got most of his demon characteristics but he looks more human like now.Ā He's skinny, a little toned and doesnā€™t appear strong. But where he comes from he was one of the strongest demons there. Heā€™s actually pretty tall especially since he wears heels a lot. Now he currently lives in the human world, since he was pretty much banished from home šŸ’€

Since heā€™s around regular people now he has to cover up his unnatural anatomy and canā€™t use his abilities without being questioned and causing unnecessary problems.Ā So in this world heā€™s pretty weak, still strong but way weaker now.

Itā€™s mainly just the waist up thatā€™s unnatural (besides the tail) so hes gotta wear his hoodie all the time when going out, meaning no swimming :( he even has to wear a big backpack sometimes since his wings canĀ stick out. But because itā€™s only the top half thatā€™s strange he can still wear whatever pants (if he decides to wear something long enough to be considered pants šŸ’€) Slinky is also un naturally pale, like really pale, and he doesnā€™t tan or burn.

His overall personality is pretty flirty, heā€™s talkative and likes being in busy areas. He likes seeing how far he can push someone. In his free time you can usually find him at bars or clubs, heā€™s hard to miss because of how he acts. Slinky goes from job to job since heā€™s not good at keeping them, he likes to be in control and not being told around, so he often causes trouble. This isnā€™t that much of a problem though since he has other ways to get money. One thing heā€™s always been good at and what mainly supports him is his way with people. Heā€™s good at manipulating and persuading people to do things for him, even without hypnotizing.Ā 

It takes time for him to adjust to this new life, he doesnā€™t understand theĀ boundaries here. Most people, depending on their personality, are usually pretty intimidated by Slinky. He likes joking around a lot but tends to take it too far. Living with Slinky is like living with an untrained dog. Except you have to make sure he doesnā€™t eat someone. Unless dogs do that idk.

Itā€™s his own fault that he ended up here, and even though heā€™s met lots of people and has done many fun things here, he still misses home and the life he used to live.

(Iā€™m still working on him)