Finn Kavanagh



2 years, 8 months ago


Finn Kavanagh

Finn Patrick Joseph Kavanagh

Overview · Gallery
Age:35 years old
Date of Birth:07/12/83
Place of Birth:Boston, MA
Blood Type:O-
Hair Color:Red
Eye Color:Blue
Weight:190 Lbs
Occupation:FBI (ASAC)
Star Sign:Cancer

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit."

― OC name to subject, game

Finn is a protagonist and major character. Also a bad case of eldest child syndrome.



Finn is built stocky -- he doesn't stand taller than 5'7", but has broad shoulders, and is well-built from regular exercise and recreational boxing. This, however, is less obvious with age. His cushier job and eating habits eventually caught up with him, meaning he's grown a little soft around the edges. He has ruddy red hair and matching eyebrows. His eyes are blue. He keeps his hair short, often gelling it up for work. He is of pale complexion, and, though they've faded with them, is covered in freckles. His face is a map of Ireland -- round-faced, with a ski-slope nose and full cheeks. Though his age shows around the eyes and mouth, he is typically assumed to be younger than he actually is.


His job requires him to dress up -- when not in a full suit, he's at least usually wearing slacks, a polo, and tie. However, he is definitely capable of dressing down, and tends to dress comfortably when off-duty. Usually, this means just shorts and a t-shirt. The latter of which he has a random assortment of -- college t-shirts, t-shirts for his favorite bands and sports teams, shirts he picked up while traveling. Being from the Northeast, he also has plenty of sweatshirts, sweaters, and jackets. 


Finn is responsible, reliable, and cares deeply for other people. He is warm and affable, though relentless in his pursuit of success (good grades, promotions, etc). Despite his friendly and likable nature, he can be quick to anger and can pretty easily assume the role of bad cop when he needs to. He is also very sensitive to what other people think about him, and, for most of his life, he was fixated on proving himself to be above his upbringing -- another reason for his overachieving nature. On the surface, he handles stress well, often putting on a brave face for his coworkers, friends, or family. Instead, it manifests in different ways: drowning his troubles in alcohol, over-eating, or (more productively) taking his anger out in the boxing ring.


Finn is the oldest of five children (with two younger sisters and two younger brothers). His was born in Boston, Massachusetts, where Finn's family had lived since his great-grandfather emigrated from Ireland. His father, Joseph ("Joey"), relocated the family shortly after the birth of Finn’s oldest sister. Joey was able to find a decent home in Bridgeport, Connecticut, which is the first home Finn recalls having.

Joey's sudden relocation was brought on by conflict with his own father, Patrick. For all of Joey's life, he'd been involved in his father's gang. Even as a young child, his father had him run errands or deliver messages; as he got older, his tasks only increased in risk. He eventually found legitimate work as a bookkeeper, even going so far as to get his CPA. His father recruits him to help cook the books, which he does for a few years — until Finn's birth, when his complacency ends. However, this only further strains the relationship between father and son. In the background of all this is a gang who knows that Joey has information that could put them all away. They’re prepared to use violence to keep him from running away with it. A year later, after his second child is born, he makes the decision to leave. 

The ongoing threat of violence and his tumultuous upbringing had already taken a heavy toll on Joey's mental health. However, he is able to hold down a steady accounting job for a couple of years -- until the death of his wife, Colleen (née Kelly). Finn is old enough to process what  happened, and also old enough to watch his father fall to pieces. A few months later, Joey loses his job. As his father’s mental health declined, Finn began to realize that he was the only one there for his younger siblings. He took to cooking, cleaning, doing the laundry, making sure they did their homework. As he got older, he found work as soon as he was legally able, and used the money to buy extra food and clothes that his father could not supply. At the same time, Finn threw himself into his studies, hoping that good grades would manifest a good job in the future. In what little spare time he had, Finn boxed, read, and fiddled with old cars. His good grades resulted in his acceptance to Yale University, where he studied psychology. 

After graduation, Finn moves back to Bridgeport, where he attends a local police academy and joins the Bridgeport Police Department. His peers give him a hard time because of his clean-cut appearance and fancy degree, but he ultimately proves himself to be worthy cop. However, after a little time on the force, an older colleague takes him to a shady little room hidden in an industrial park. Here, he is introduced to underground casino and gambling ring. Not completely understanding, he starts taking up games of Poker and Blackjack. He does well — and then not so well. Then, his luck picks back up again, only to turn. Before he knows it, he owes the house thousands. Knowing that Finn is a cop, the house is actually thrilled by this. Soon, they practically own Finn, who couldn’t afford to pay them and support his family. He keeps the other cops off their trail, and he even fakes tips about rival gangs that they want gone. They dangle the promise of more money in front of him, and he’s running errands and working as an enforcer. Joining the FBI doesn’t solve his problems. If anything, his new position amplifies his problems. He’s helping gangs smuggle goods in and out of country, stealing goods out of evidence, traveling between New York and Boston to make deliveries.



Finn has a habit of adopting introverts, but Akito is a special case. Working two jobs and trying to maintain at least Bs, Finn doesn't have much of a social life. So, instead, he takes to bothering Akito -- dragging him out to the store, joining him as he studies, showing him around the area. Though it's hard not to be envious of the letters and packages Akito gets from his mom, he knows Akito, too, was raised without one of his parents, and feels more comfortable discussing his family life with him than he does with others. Akito is a good listener, and gives very practical advice on matters, which Finn sometimes desperately needs. Akito also fusses over him, which Finn enjoys more than he'd ever be willing to admit. For a roommate, Finn is strangely fond of him, though he doesn't know or really question why that is. By the time they reunite, though, he's better able to understand it.


He cannot stand the man.


Finn is reluctantly involved in the organized crime world. He feels no particularly loyalty towards or affection for the group he works with. When Gijs discovers that his brother has been keeping in touch with a fed, it only takes a little digging to have enough information to blackmail them into helping them. He doesn't really need it -- Finn is happy to be free of the gang, glad to reconnect with Akito, and  has long since felt out of touch with his career. He's primarily there for information, but his FBI credentials, firearms training, and boxing background make him an all-around asset.


  • Finn has a surprisingly nice singing voice.
  • He has a weakness for chocolate -- especially chocolate cake and ice cream.
  • He loves music, especially classic rock.
  • His favorite card game (and the root of most of his problems) is Blackjack.
  • He hates IPAs. He prefers stouts, but will drink lagers. He's also kind of a whiskey snob.
  • Finn is left-handed.

Profile by Erandia
Yakuza OC Version by MissMaryGrace