Jaakko Mäkinen



2 years, 8 months ago


Jaakko Mäkinen

Jaakko Elias Mäkinen

Overview · Gallery
Also Known As
NicknamesJaska (Gijs, Tolya)
Biographical Inforation
Age29 years old
Date of BirthNovember 6, 1990
Place of BirthTaivolkoski, FN
Blood TypeO+
LanguagesFinnish, English
Hair ColorBrown
Eye ColorBlue
Weight195 lbs
Star SignScorpio 
Enneagram 6w7

Major character, top-rate assassin, Gijs-wrangler.



Jaakko is tall and imposing, standing at 6 feet and 5 inches tall. His hair is light brown, and he keeps it long, usually wearing it up in a ponytail or (more rarely) a bun. He’s built slender, and has a somewhat gangly quality about him. His eyes are dull blue. His face is sharp and angular, his nose narrow and triangular. He's cursed with genetic eye bags that sleep can never fix.


Jaakko dresses practically. He has lots of tactical gear that he's bought since beginning his career, and prefers to be prepared for the elements. This, however, is it not always practical -- he would stick out far too much, or it would otherwise be clunky and uncomfortable. In these scenarios, he tends to wear jeans, flannels, but generally leaves the boots.


Jaakko is quiet and reserved, usually only speaking when he has something important to say. Gijs would describe him as “kind of a hardass,” and “no fun,” — largely because Jaakko is one of the few people Gijs listens to, and he’s usually making Gijs stay on task or be responsible. Emotionally, Jaakko is quite distant, expressing little, but capable of being forceful and stern when needed. However, despite his scary disposition, Jaakko...Is mostly just awkward. He struggles to connect with others, and is, at times, almost shy. Growing up in a rural community (and also ditching the last couple years of school) means that Jaakko didn't get the chance to really socialize, and is a little stunted in this arena. The attempts he does make to reach out are often clumsy, and, to people who don't know him well, easy to miss, and often misinterpreted. On the job, he is all business: he does things safely and by the book, sometimes waiting days to line up the perfect shot. While not particularly clever, Jaakko has razor-sharp instincts and good tactical sense. He also stores information quite well, and his brain is a warehouse of protocols and procedures.  This also means he stores a lot of information on subjects that interest him, and he can suddenly turn gregarious when one of these topics is brought up. Because of his youth spent in Finland, he is an incredibly talented skier. He uses this ability to track down and take out his targets, and these services made him popular among mobsters working around the Alps or Caucuses. Jaakko loves animals, especially birds. Birdwatching is his favorite way to kill time while on assignment.


Jaakko is a contract killer working under the direction of Gijs Hanakawa. He was born in central Finland, and is the only son of Tuomo and Nila Mäkinen. Jaakko was born into a broken home. For most of his life, both of his parents struggled with alcoholism, and often forgot their primary duty as Jaakko’s providers. Tuomo runs a construction company, which he inherited from his father. The money from this business meant that the family got by financially, even if they never had anything in excess. 

Emotionally, however, things were bad for the small family. Infidelity on the part of both parents meant that physical and verbal altercations were commonplace in Jaakko's childhood home, and he spent most of this time in the wilderness, trying to avoid it. 

Jaakko’s father, however, was proficient with firearms, and was an accomplished marksman and hunter. As soon as he was able, Tuomo took Jaakko out on his hunting trips, teaching him how to handle, shoot, and care for various kinds of firearms. Jaakko showed the most promise with his father’s rifle — so much so, Tuomo bought Jaakko his own for his 14th birthday. 

Despite his father’s sober and tender moments with Jaakko, conditions in the home only deteriorate as time goes on. Jaako is 15 when he decides that he can’t stay in the house. 

With no license, he drives his father’s car to a nearby bus station, buys a ticket to Helsinki, and starts his new life. Jaakko has good instincts, but he’s still a 15 year old boy on his own in a new city. He bounces from hostel to hostel before his money runs out and he has nowhere left to go. 

Jaakko's desperate search for legitimate work fails, and he's about to consider swallowing his shame and heading back home. In a last-ditch effort, however, he responds to an ad he finds in the newspaper for a job as a bouncer. Sensing something underhanded, Jaakko tries his luck: when the bartender asks him how old he is, Jaakko tells him that he's 19. Even at 15, he's still quite tall, and his wandering means he's had no choice but to let his facial hair grow out. Either the man believes Jaakko, or doesn't care enough to look into it. Jaakko starts the next night. His intuition was correct, and he quickly learns that the club functions as a front for a small-time group of mobsters that work with a crime syndicate out of Russia. Though initially apprehensive, Jaakko has little choice but to keep his head down and turn a blind eye. Not only is this job his only source of income, but, for a cut of his pay, he's able to live on the top floor of the bar. 

It doesn't take very long for the group to figure out that Jaakko is definitely not 19 years old. However, it also doesn't take them long to realize that, in addition to his size, he's got physical prowess. He's also one hell of a shot. Partially because they understand Jaakko's dependence on them, and partially out of sincere admiration (and pity) for him, the take him into the fold, allowing him to run various errands for a cut of the profit. Things carry on this way for about two years, as Jaakko continues running errands and squirreling away money. During the course of business, however, Jaakko meets a man named Anatoly. Anatoly, a mercenary, has heard about Jaakko, and, once alone, tells him he's wasting his time with the group he works for now. He explains that, if what he's heard is true, he knows where Jaakko can better monetize his skills. At age 16, he joins a contract agency as a gun for hire. Anatoly trains Jaakko, though there isn't a whole lot left for Anatoly to teach him. 

Soon, he's traveling across Europe on paid assignments -- first with Anatoly, then without him. It's only a year later that Jaakko himself is put into the position of babysitter. Gijs’ young age and relationship to Ryo means the agency doesn't trust Gijs. So Jaakko is assigned to keep a leash on him, accompanying him on his first couple of jobs. This is to make sure he behaves, but Jaakko quickly realizes it’s more a matter of keeping Gijs from getting himself killed.



Gijs is his closest companion and the source of most of his headaches. Much to his chagrin, he cares deeply for him, and, in a way, feels responsible for him. Gijs is introduces him to his favorite movies, TV shows, and video games, and, for once in his life, Jaakko is having fun. Anatoly tasks him with accompanying Gijs on his first couple of assignments, and he takes his role as mentor seriously. This doesn't mean things between them are perfect -- Jaakko, who represses almost every emotion he feels, often has no clue how to deal with Gijs, who experiences the entire spectrum of human emotion on a weekly basis. Still, despite this, he makes a point of looking out for Gijs, and he is often the first person people call when they can't reach Gijs.


Anatoly is essentially a surrogate father to Jaakko. Anatoly is the first person to really appreciate and recognize his skill, and he gives him the chance to start his own career. Knowing that Jaakko has nowhere else to go, he offers to mentor Jaakko, and even allows him to live in his cabin for some time. Jaakko takes to him surprisingly quickly, and Anatoly, still coping with losing custody of his daughters, is unable to keep himself from thinking of Jaakko like a son. While initially there to teach Jaakko some tactical and survival skills, Anatoly suddenly has Jaakko turning to him for life advice and general guidance. When he discovers that Anatoly had been planning to use Gijs for information, however, he is immensely hurt, unable to stop himself from wondering how genuine all of Anatoly's affection really was. Though he is more willing to forgive Anatoly than Gijs, it still takes him several years to face him again.


Jaakko is one of Europe's most expensive hitmen. He is a professional -- neat, clean, and his success rate means he's practically guaranteed to get the job done. He is originally contracted with another agency, but leaves to keep working with Gijs. While he really isn't involved with much else, he is also Gijs' right-hand man, meaning he's basically wrapped up in whatever it is Gijs gets himself into.


  • His go-to snack is salmiakki, or salty licorice. Like, the nasty stuff you can buy in IKEA.
  • He very much so like birds. I know I said this earlier, but he REALLY like birds, and I need you to understand this.
  • Jaakko is an accomplished hunter, and can process what he kills on his own.
  • Though not to the same degree of skill as skiing, Jaakko can also ice skate. 
  • Caffeine makes him quite jittery, which he can't afford on the job. As a result, he rarely ever drinks coffee.
  • Were it not for the complications of his professional life, his dream would be to own a large ranch and focus on his animals.

Profile by Erandia
Yakuza OC Version by MissMaryGrace