


2 years, 8 months ago


20 Moons | she/her | Lesbian as heck |  Warrior

Slim and petite grey cat with dark grey mottling, dark muzzle and chest, blue eyes, probably has leaves in her fur

Hunting 3/10 

Swimming 1/10 

Gathering 2/10 

Tracking 3/10 

Climbing 3/10 

Sneaking 8/10 


Fighting 1/5 

Healing 0/5 

Bio - Swift and fast, gets distracted easily, total dork

Quickstep is a bit of a silly cat. She has a terrible habit of wandering into places she shouldn't while also being lucky enough to avoid places she should. A free spirit, QuickStep prefers to watch the world go by and travel along it at her own pace. Often, one will find her with leaves in her fur from her random adventures. Despite her lack of fighting skills (and lack of skills in general) she is incredible at sneaking around with no one noticing.