
.: Playlist :.

1. Kingdom Dance - Tangled 
2. Pandora Palace - Toby Fox 
3. Queen - Toby Fox
4. Link - Cire (Instrumental)
5. Vs Squashini - Kirby Epic Yarn

.: Overview :.

Chariot is an elegant, tricky green stick figure who works as multiple things, a magician, dancer, and thief. They love to perform tricks and entertain kids in their free time. Chariot has the ability "Master Magician". Chariot can perform magic tricks through magical means. She can incorporate his magic tricks in a battle for a fun and deadly performance. 

.: General Info :.

Name: Chariot
Pronunciation: Chair-e-iot
Nicknames: Char, Cha cha, 'Arsene'
Age: 28
Birthday: February 20th
Birthplace: Enpha
Species: Stick figure
Gender: Genderfluid (She/He/They)
Sexuality: Pansexual
Height: 5’9

.:Distinguishing features:.

Chariot is a curvy figure with a minty green, pale yellow and sutured red color palette. Having the appearance of a magician or jester. Wearing a suit with a red bow tie. 

Current residence: Enpha
Current home: A house
Occupation: Magician
Relationship status: Single
Social status: N/A

 .: Dialogue :.

Voice claim/Accent: Rainbow 2.0 (Steven Universe)
Language: Common
Other languages known: ESL
Style of speaking: N/A

.: Personality :.

Chariot is known to be a smug person. Although at first glance, she seems like a sweetheart with his magical tricks.

Likes: Performing tricks, Entertaining kids
Dislikes: Dirt
Hobbies/past times: Performing tricks whether if it's for a show or not
Guilty pleasures: Attention, Being praised
Pet peeves: Dirt, Mud, pretty much anything
Personal goals: N/A
Religious values: None
General intelligence: Smarter than you would think
General sociability: More social than one would think.

.: Relationships :.





Friends (currently)


Love interest


.: Combat :.

General Skills: Taming animals, Ballet
Peaceful or violent? Mainly peaceful, however, when attacked first, then they will resort to violence.
Weapon(s) of choice: Wonder Wand

.: Abilities :.

-Master Magician-
Chariot can perform magic tricks through magical means. She can incorporate his magic tricks in battle for a fun and deadly performance. There are a variety of things that they can do with this ability. 

-Illusion Magic-
Chariot can create and manipulate illusions, causing her victims to see, hear, touch, smell, and/or taste things that do not actually exist or cause them to perceive things differently from what they truly are. He can use this ability to perform many of his magic tricks. 

For example: Card Magic, Hypnosis, Decoys, Escapism, Body dismemberment, Cape teleportation, etc.

.: Fears :.

.: Health :.

Chariot is perfectly healthy~

.: History :.



.: Other Details :.


.: Appearances :.

1. Devil's Wedding | Artfight 2023 Mass Attack (Flash Warning)