


3 years, 12 days ago


"If you aren't enjoying yourself, are you living?"
Basic Info

Name Siegfried
Age Unknown
Alias N/A
Gender Male
Sexuality Pan/Ace
Pronouns He/Him/Any
Role "Life"
Race Shapeshifter

  • Bandages cover most of his body, but can be drawn without. Must have no scars without bandages!
  • Usually dresses warm! He doesn't like cold!
  • Scarless or really positive emotion shift eyes and wingtips to rainbow.
  • He doesn't have wings through most of his story!
  • Most commonly seen without inhuman features!
  • His tail is a snake not just a fluffy tailtip!

Over the course of millions of years, Siegfried hardly changed. From day one he has been a jokester, but capable of serious thought and action. He thoroughly enjoys bringing energy wherever he goes. A natural component to him is that he gives off a warm, welcoming energy constantly. He makes people feel safe.

Through generations, Siegfried has taken on several careers, mostly to keep himself busy. He can hardly stand sitting around for too long and thus tends to leave home for generations at a time. After the loss of his wings, he went into hiding and lost all energy to be what set him apart from other deities. He simply could not be the "Sun" history had known him as. Though after a long hiatus and going deep undercover, he found his spark and continued his work for his home planet.


solitary social
observant dense
logical emotional
organised messy
assertive turbulent

Abilities and Occupation

Is there nothing he can't do? That certainly is the question. As a deity meant to watch over and function for a universe, the sky is the limit. However, Siegfried prefers to specialize in transmutation and creation. By nature, Siegfried has always radiated warmth and safety, making himself easy to trust by most. Such feelings can be prevented for specific people, meaning anyone he does not like or works against will not experience this phenomenon. As an avian chimera, Siegfried is capable of using his feathers as though they were blades, and his snake tail can adjust the effect and potency of its venom.


In early days, Siegfried had a job, but in modern times he does odd jobs as he sees fit. He disappears for generations at a time, on long adventures solving major problems for Exocoel.


Antecedents: From the depths of space, amidst a fresh new universe, two deities were created. A pair of eldritch siblings existing beyond the realm of the physical Overworld. Together they built upon the realm they were provided, bringing new life and new dimensions. They brought order to what would later be named Irakurri. As time passed and the work drew closer to completion, the siblings began to drift apart, valuing different aspects of their universe. One valued the strict aspects of beginning and end, and the recycling for new creation. The other valued life itself and the light existence brings to the worlds. As millenna passed, ones frustration toward the other grew, seeing only their twin slacking and forsaking its gifts, its purpose. A fight broke between them, forcing the entities which created them to seal them away as means to keep the universe safe. Until a new force took the reigns of Irakurri...

Having his soul tethered to a physical body, Siegfried was born to a family living lakeside in the earliest days of the Urmukkan valley. It came as a shock to his parents that their newborn son had wings and a tail. Still, they adored the child they had so longed to conceive. He always says, however, that the true miracle was the birth of his little sister, Kira. Siegfried adored his baby sister, spending every waking minute tending to her, even if her parents were around. The two remained close up until their adulthood, when Siegfried garnered more attention for his ability to complete tasks that would take many to do, all on his own. He drifted apart from Kira as he reveled in the fame. It wasn't until the final years of her life that Siegfried was faced with his immortality and the truth that he would lose his little sister. He deeply regretted not allowing her more time with him and often thinks about how alone she might have felt when her own brother wouldn't give her the time of day. Not out of malice, but out of ignorance. After Kira's passing, Siegfried left for a journey into the mountains where he found ancient ruins and hieroglyphics depicting deities of old. One directly depicted him, bringing the young man to the realization of what he was. He was an ancient god. But he could never fathom how far his history extended with a lack of knowledge of anything past his infancy. Once aware of his heritage, Siegfried began his search for others like him, leading him to Malaucay, a dark deity in distress. The two treated each other like long lost siblings and quickly grew close, embarking on their journey together and using Urmukka as their home between adventures. Their adventures came to a halt when Siegfried attempted and failed to rescue a younger deity, resulting in the loss of his wings and a scarred/disabled body. This event left him to hide away for thousands of years until he found help for his pain and found "his old spark" and began work on Exocoel as he had in the past.


  • Originally inspired by black falcons but with a redder tint!
  • In ancient times, Siegfried had been given many nicknames by various planets. Most prominent to him were "Life", "the Sun", and "Ra".
  • Though he couldn't prevent his wings from being taken, he managed to spare his snake tail. He still has it in modern day.
  • In his spare time he loves to bake goods for people.
  • Siegfried loves to dance and has forced Malaucay to learn dances with him.

Other Info
Alignment Lawful Good
Sin Pride
Virtue Charity

Designer Liegitu
Obtained Initial Creation
Status NFS
Value $$$/Priceless