Mikiko Orochi



6 years, 8 months ago


Ha ha! "Ratio", as the kids would say! Is that right, Your Honor?

Trans man (he/him)
Homicide detective

A poorly dressed detective with a lack of spatial and social awareness, Mikiko surely must be little else than a bumbling, goofy fool who'd be better off on the next flight to Florida.. or is he?

Although it's undeniable that Mikiko's at least a bit of a klutz, what he hides behind an airheaded demeanor is a sharp and witty mind, one that's earned him a reputation not to mess with..

Gosh, you wanna know about lil ol me?

The bright-eyed and poorly dressed Mikiko always sees the world at its best. Deeply sentimental and passionate, Mikiko's known to give his whole heart to everything, doing what he does because he's passionate about justice. He goes out of his way to be as kind as he can, and often lets his emotions get the best of him because he feels too deeply.. indeed, Mikiko is filled with nothing but love for the people around him.

Although his kindness might be construed as naïvety, Mikiko's wit should not be underestimated. Even when it doesn't seem like it, he's always listening for the smallest things to use agaist his suspects, competently spinning an argument against them out of all their fallacies.

Indeed, when he's not ruthlessly allowing people to revel in their web of lies, Mikiko is disgustingly charismatic in his interrogations, and even moreso outside of his work. Although he's very confident, he's also very easy to rile up; for better or worse, Mikiko is a very emotional person.

In all ways, it is Mikiko's chief belief that the best is yet to come.



A fuzzy past..

Mikiko doesn't remember his mother, and certainly not his father. At a young age, he was tossed to and fro by the foster care system, finally finding his footing at 16 when an elderly woman took him under her wing. Mikiko grew up happily but scarcely with her, and built his fortitude from the ground up; always the keen eye for opportunity, Mikiko worked several jobs in his teenage years, between a busy schedule at his local community college, to afford his degree.

But bits and pieces of Mikiko's past are lost from his memory all-together. Come to think of it.. well. It's been awhile since he's seen that woman. What was her name?

Ah, well. A little memory loss here and there's nothing too out of the blue, right? Happens to the best of us.. still, only one thing lingers from Mikiko's fuzzy past: a deep, gnarly scar on his stomach.

..and a fuzzier future?

Best not to poke around here too soon.

Y'know Abraham Lincoln was a licensed bartender?

  • Mikiko knows a decent amount of bizarre and random trivia.. though it could be said this is because he's a very perceptive, in reality it's because he had a brief stint where he was convinced he'd be the next winner on Jeopardy.
  • He doesn't mind questions about his burn scar, although he'll make up drastically different stories about how he got it each time someone asks.. and stay scarily consistent about those stories if the same person asks again, too.
  • He loves to busy himself with all sorts of silly hobbies. Of them, skateboarding, fishing, and surfing are some of his favorites. If he's good at them is a whole other question.
  • Perhaps Mikiko's best friend of all is his golden retriever, Max! The two of them are always together, and he treats her like a princess.
Oh yeah, I carry.. KNOWLEDGE!

Orange iPod Nano

...What, this lil thing? Hahaha! Sorry, I guess I'm old. All I need to listen to is my Joni Mitchell albums.


Oh, yeah. Honestly, I've always been a little creeped out by it. But I've got lots of weird people trying to mess with me in my line of work. No need to worry!


  • Bubble tea punch card
  • Library card
  • Badge
  • Candy cigarettes
  • Hello Kitty wallet
  • iPod Nano
Oh, too many to name! Well, alright, here's a few..


Best friends

Your character's thoughts here!

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I don't think he knows I know, but he's always following me around. Feels like I've seen him somewhere, but I can't place his face. Haha.. well, I guess he's just a real dedicated Jehovah's Witness, huh?



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla pretium tempor lectus, sed vestibulum felis finibus non.

Duis sollicitudin vestibulum risus. Nunc semper purus orci, id facilisis libero semper et.

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