Dokubutsu Kaeru



2 years, 9 months ago


Name: Dokubutsu Kaeru

Mun: Sadtinytoaster

Aliases/Nicknames: Little Poison Dart Frog

Age: 9

Sex: Male

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Unknown

Nationality:  Amegakure

Clan:  Poison eater clan

Kekkai Genkai (if any): none

Abilities: Poison resistance, toxic blood, toxin knowledge

Rank: Academy student

Physical Appearance: An academy student at average height with short magenta-purple hair and straight bangs. He has a red puffy vest over his shirt for warmth and has black capri pants and ninja shoes as well as black fingerless gloves.

Personality: A friendly warm child he is light hearted and excitable

Backstory: Kaeru is a friendly child who was raised with his mother as his father was often under scrutiny for his history of criminal behaviour. After his father dissapeared he decided he would become a ninja and go find him.