Suijin || 水神



3 years, 2 days ago

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Suijin || 水神
Water Guardian
Not everyday you can be happy but, you just gotta try your best, not give up and resign

He/Him || They/Them
Straight ( Mayumi )

Neutral Good
$300 + $15 USD


Suijin was born under the wish of a swordsman, with a strong sense of loyalty. Growing up, he travelled the skies alone but he interacted with other starsnares whether its to have a small chat or helping them out with something. Suijin enjoys the journey and travelling. Although he immensely enjoys travelling and meeting others, he did eventually feel like he should have a home that he could always come back to during the end of all his journeys. Therefore, he set out a journey to find his home place that he feels connected to that he'd heard other starsnares talk about, the feeling of that this place is definitely his.

He had searched for a long while, looking at forests, abandoned places and grassfields, but he had never felt the feeling like he wanted to stay there. Suijin felt like he won't be able to find a home for himself, so feeling down he had headed off to his favourite place, a beach next to the vast ocean. He always felt connected to oceans and any body of water, improving his moods or just giving him joy in general. He wanted to give one last try to find a place for himself once more, so he got up and started flying around, this time over the ocean. A shiny glimpse caught his eye from under the ocean. Out of curiousity, he stopped and went to check it out, diving right into the ocean. He found a large building, palace-like, that was completely submerged under water. Once he went inside, Suijin discovered that there was a sort of magical barrier that blocked out water from coming in. Inside, a big spacious room greeted him and hallways that is lined with a few big rooms. The feeling of belonging definitely reached Suijin at this point and was relieved and joyful that he managed to find a residence that suited him and felt at home.

Suijin being born with a strong sense of loyalty, he cares extremely for the starsnares he befriends. He could be described as a very sweet starsnare; giving comfort when others need it, guidance if he is able to, and/or lending his help on something. Although he has his sweet moments, he enjoys playing as well, teasing other starsnares, flying around them or flirting. His most favourite activity is swimming, seeing as he is connected to the oceans. He also collects seaglass, seashells and driftwood which he usually created a very aesthetic setup with them.
Suijin is usually very active, being on the very lean side of a starsnare. Also since Suijin has travelled all around, he would be able to tell exciting stories of his adventures to his friends, if they are keen on learning more of the world.

  • Any types of water, like lakes, oceans, seas, rain, or even puddles
  • Swimming
  • Flirting especially with Mayumi
  • Rudeness to those he finds precious
  • Any harm that comes to ocean and the wildlife within
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Confidence [ 80% ]
Charisma [ 85% ]
Honesty [ 90% ]
Diligence [ 86% ]
Intelligence [ 68% ]

  • His name Suijin means Water God in Japanese
  • He is skilled in using the swords but he never had a reason to use them yet.
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design by Yuuriiri
Design Notes

  • Accessories shown aren't optional, could be if planning to add more
  • Ocean related accessories are allowed to be added
  • Markings aren't optional
  • However they could be simplified if wanted
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Mayumi Lover

Suijin and Mayumi met under the circumstances of one of his journeys, throughout the oceans. He was immediately taken by the sight of Mayumi but he just acted like his usual self as he befriended her. Flirting and teasing, he often jokes about her demeanor and how beautiful Mayumi is. She wasn't moved by it but she did have fun with him flirting and teasing. Years have gone by and their feelings towards each other continues to grow and eventually they had pledged to be together.

Enkai Brother

Enkai would be something that can be as closely related to Suijin as possible as they were born from the same star. Twin stars you may say. Obviously they would have different features but still overall look pretty similar whilst sharing the same wish. These two have amazing dynamics to where they each other can instantly tell what they are thinking and feeling. Enkai has a somewhat opposite personality to Suijin as Suijin is more physically based while Enkai is more literate.

Shui Wei Sheng Niang Close Friend || Enkai's Lover

Suijin met Shui on one of his many journeys throughout the oceans. He stumbled upon her by accident hence Shui feeling a little reserved and wary. However Suijin went up to her in a friendly demeanor and they had became friends later on. As he introduced Mayumi to Shui, those two became close friends until Enkai decided to visit and introduced them.

Lady Adele Friend

Hitori Friend

Myu Friend

Alastor Friend