Ms. Elizabeth



2 years, 8 months ago




Name: Elizabeth Rolfers

Gender: Female

Age: 38 at death

Birthday: May 4th

Death Day: October 20th

Cause of Death: Murdered by mob

Occupation: Aristocrat, crafter

Adelaide Clarence (mother - deceased), John Clarence (father - whereabouts unknown), Florence Abram (stepmother - deceased), Agatha Clarence (half-sister - alive), Edward Rolfers (husband - deceased), Clara Bellamy Rolfers (daughter - deceased), Rusty Stillwell (ward - alive)

Home: Number 11B Candelabra Road, Neovia.


Rolfers is nothing if not secretive. She never reveals the story of her past to anyone, and is private about her emotions. Everyone around her finds her mysterious in that regard. She is a no-nonsense type of person and likes to keep everything under her control. She tries to keep everything and everyone around her looking perfect. However, being Rusty's guardian means things will go awry quite often, so she has become a bit more easygoing since she took him in.

She is confident and introverted, and distant but extremely caring and protective. She has a sense of humor and likes to tease people in a friendly way. Rolfers is a poised, practical, and polite woman.


Rolfers is a wealthy aristocrat living in Neovia. She has taken in Rusty as her legal ward, and she protects and spoils him to the fullest of her ability. She died a few years ago, because she did something people didn't like and was murdered by a mob in her home town. She was buried in the cemetery on the outskirts of Neovia, as it was the only place that would take her. Now that she has become a zombie, she has continued where she left off, only this time in a new city.

Every October, on foggy nights, she returns to her grave, and her ghost haunts the Neovian cemetery.