


6 years, 9 months ago



Name TK (Tae Kaani)
Age 18
Home DimensionReality Realm



  • red meat
  • sudoku
  • naps
  •  Chocolate peanut butter swirl and double fudge ice cream (two scoops)


  • little kids


  • Quiet, closed off, distrustful, seems grumpy and mean but is actually kind and has a soft side.
  • Very poetic and metaphorical, but keeps most of it to himself
  • Often tired and definitely didn't study for the test.


TK always had a very rough family life, as his father was an alcoholic. He was closer with his mother, but she was semi-absent emotionally from him throughout his life. He was protective over his younger brother, Minjun, and felt the need to protect him and his mother from his father's abuse.

Moved a lot in his early years, but moved into the same apartment complex as Anora in third grade. He was a social outcast, but she still played with him and made him feel accepted. He still struggled at home, and often hung out with her and her friends as an escape. He still had to protect his little brother, and worried about his mother a lot. His family also owned a small Korean shabu-shabu restaurant nearby, where both he and Minjun worked as kids. Even at Minjun's young age, he worked in the kitchen there. The father owned the shop and got most of the profit, while the mother did most of the work along with the kids. 

TK attempts su*cide and gets in a coma, getting trapped in the Dreamscape. Immediately upon entering the DS, he is attacked by a Nightmare, who starts consuming his soul. Akane fights it off and cares for TK. The Nightmare left a parasitic part of itself inside TK as a last ditch effort, and it slowly eats away at TK's soul. He also earns a Nightmare form where he lets it take over his body, but it becomes harder and harder to control over time. Anora then learns she is able to travel there when she sleeps, and they work together to find and kill the Nightmare that took part of his soul so that TK can wake up from his coma.


  • Has gorgeous long eye lashes that Anora is jealous of 💅
  • Somehow really good at math, but doesn't apply himself
  • Bday: July 6 (Cancer)
  • Symbols
    • Animal: black wolf
  • Special Moves
    • Dark Sword: Infuses his sword with Dark Magic
    • Night Claw: Nightmare partially engulfs a body part to enhance its power (usually arms)
    • Shadow Beast: Fully transforming into his Nightmare form. He looses a lot of autonomy as it takes over his mind.


  • 6'0"
  • muscular but slim
  • Spiky black hair in a long mullet (?)
  • Darker skin
  • Brownish-blue eyes
  • Large scar on his chest in the Dreamscape
  • Has a Nightmare form, which is shaped like a wolf/werewolf and stands up at 15 ft tall.



Anora [ best friend ]

Best friends, possibly a little bit of romantic sparks but mainly just a playful, bantering relationship. Bully each other to show affection :)

Oliver [ little brother ]

Loves him dearly, very protective over him. 

Aiden [😳]

enemies to lovers...? 

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