


8 years, 10 months ago

Basic Info






27 actual; 24 relative


5'10" at shoulder; 6'8" at tip of head


True hermaphrodite (can technically reproduce with self


None; Uses feminine or neuter pronouns in human langauges where that is relevant


Primarily interested in women when it comes to humans



Lawful Good




Flowers and flower-like plants, fancy dresses and bows, general "soft fem" attire, soft things, anime, light rain


Violence, shouting (makes her get really scared)


Accidentally hurting Eden, her kind coming to get her, non-sympathetic humans hunting her down


Intelligent and has taught herself English sucessfully through immersion, physically strong and large compared to humans, careful, loving


Awkward to many humans due to lack of cognitive empathy (very compassionate but does not get nonverbal cues well), clumsy, clingy, easily flustered and disheartened, anxious


Alien from a non-sexually dimorphic race who, when thrust into human society, identifies moreso with femaleness and femininity. She was an outcast among her kind (at least in her society) due to her romantic and hyperplatonic attacments which were "inappropriate" for someone of her caste. Where Ezburu lack in genders they make up for in castes which are determined by "morph" (which is itself deteremined by environmentally-triggered differences in hormones). Serzen is the Signician morph, most common to less-elite diplomats, academics, teachers, etc.

If Drawing:

- for body it helps a lot to see how cartoon horses are often drawn (El Tivo from Road to Eldorado, the horses from Spirit, etc)

- hands are really weird lol feel free to abstract them; Koalas also have two-thumbed hands if you want a a real-life reference

- my drawings are best examples of final design; commission by j is a supplementary reference but should not be used for some details/canon appearance (cyan bioluminesence only extends to lobes/crests, hands are different, legs are not so spindly)

- black parts of crest can vary but i do not expect people to change their design since they vary in a specific way i havent posted yet

--Extended Info--

Serzen belongs to a species known as the Ezburu (singular: Ezbur) in the specific language Serzen speaks natively. In lieu of a feminine and masculine gender, their species has a series of categories somewhat like that of an ant hive known as castes. Ezburu are all true hermaphrodites meaning they, technically, can reproduce with themselves but certain castes (e.g. Serzen's) are not too fit for this. Castes are determined in late adolesence and are purely hormonal, not genetically determined, based on life experiences and as a fairly direct response to their environment. Failure to mature into the caste that most suits an individual is treated by their healthcare system (similarly to how humans would handle common endocrine disorders such as hypothyrodism).

Serzen belongs to a relatively frail caste which make up the bulk of the "intellectual" and "research" population. They are traditionally subordinate and efficient. Ideally, they are less prone to anger and require less food and rest to survive (though, obviously this varies). They also, in Serzen's community specifically, are expected to not have romantic interests-- especially not outside of reproduction. Serzen's more affectionate nature is seen as perverse but is only one of many ways which alienate her from the rest of her kind.

Serzen was part of a research division studying the human exoplanetary colony on Lares (a planet chosen for its remarkably Earth-like qualities) and specialized in human media analysis. In other words, she became a huge anime fan and used it as a tool to become fluent in English. Eventually, she is sent as a guinea pig to Lares (sort of-- she never achieved the levels of clearance from the government necessary to do so and it was all rather hasty; they'd cover up any involvement with her later) because her kind did not know what else to do with her.

Upon reaching Lares, she spends about a month (until her food runs out) on the internet, hiding in a forest, and trying to work up the courage to actually meet some humans. She stumbles upon an easygoing and friendly girl online by the name of Eden who was obsessed with monsters. The two hit it off and Serzen soon found Eden lived not far from where she was. Piqued, she arranges a meeting.