


7 years, 22 days ago



Alias: Stonewall

Race: Human

Age: 35

Joins Blackwatch: 2058

DOB: 2041

Job: Blackwatch Agent (Former)


Affiliation: Overwatch (Former)

Role: Tank

Height: 5'6"

Weight: 147 lbs

Health Max: 500

Ammo Max: Infinate - Telescopic Energy Sword

Born to a family trapped in their own past, Einar was born into a family directly descended from the earliest Vikings and warriors of the Norsemen, her family even laying claims to have been descended from Thor, as far fetched as it might have sounded. As such, Einar was a hardy girl who was born and raised to fight for herself and her home. Unfortunately, Einar saw past her family's claims to glory, recognizing that many of her ancestors were nothing more than brutes. So, she left. Unfortunately, Einar knew little else other than what she had been taught by her family, and was forced to act as a mercenary in order to survive, which wasn't something she was too fond of doing, especially when paid to rough people up. Einar placed high value on the lives of all around her, human or omnic, and despised abuse in any form. She would never hesitate to jump to violence one she found innocent, but this is exactly how the girl came to find herself in trouble. Einar was caught in the middle of a skirmish between omnics and omnic sympathizers, and various aggressors. Einar did her best to quell the fighting, but soon jumped to violence herself. It took 14 men to finally subdue and arrest her. While being examined before booking of any sort was to take place, it became clear that Einar was going to lose her eye. Thankfully, a woman by the name of Cait was able to come to her rescue, and replaced the young woman's eye with a cybernetic one with little to no issue. But it wasn't at a free cost. Part of the deal was that Einar had to hear Cait out on an offer. Cait, having seen the reports and whitnessed the event, vouched for Einar's innocence and was able to free her, but only if she considered a career with Overwatch. Cait wasn't about to force Einar, but she also knew that Einar had no real place else to go. Einar didn't accept this deal right away, and continued to work on her own. She soon came to the realization, however, that she really had no other place to go. And so, a year after the offer had been made, Einar accepted Cait's offer, and was inducted into Blackwatch, for better or for worse.

Ability 1: Energy Greatsword

Einar's weapon; a Telescopic Greatsword which could be used at short or long range, and fires off beams for long ranges

Ability 2: Guard; Absorbs and rerouts 20% of a selected team member's ((wihing 20 meters) damage taken to Einar

Ability 3: Rush - Einar rushes forward, knocking people back and damaging anyone in front of her.

Ability 4: Regenerate - Einar regenerates health for a short amount of time

Ultimate Ability: Reflectors- Reflects all damage taken by team within 20 meters of her back at attackers for 5 seconds.


  • She doesn't like it when people ask her what it's like to be a viking
  • Cait and Torbjorn assist Einar in forging her power armor, which enhances her strength tremendously
  • She holds her Commander Reyes and Cait in the highest regard for taking her in, but isn't really too found of many other members of Overwatch, save for a select few like Torbjorn and Reinhardt.
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