


2 years, 8 months ago




Name: Neven Génevrier

Nickname: -

age: ~32-35

species: Human? WIP

location: France

occupation: Gardener

status: Alive, single

theme: Sirius' Theme? (WH)

  • (Socially) awkward, terrible at chit chats. Please anyone. Help.
  • A shut-in coming from a wealthy family.
  • A gardener, but not a plant lover... for now...

Originally designed for a now closed magic academy RP. Magic properties and houses based on Zodiac signs, afaik. Didn't have time to develop her, though... Possible theme: Terezi (Homest*ck.)

Avoids eye contact with everyone, especially with young or extroverted peers. Not very sociable, seems uncomfortable around people. She needs time and space to clear tasks. Despite her frequent social overwhelm, she handles her duties with care.

Coming from a wealthy family, they stayed on their mansion most of the time. They were known for holding parties and dance balls open to guests. She missed most of them, staying in her room or different secret spots. Her lack of charisma got her taking care of plants... not because she was fond of them, but because they were easier to handle than humans.

Currently serving This Very Normal And Definitely Not Fishy Mansion for 1,000 years. She is a gardener maid and works on the outside, next to those in charge of animal care. She has been avoiding family matters and anything related to her previous life. Probably for privacy purposes more than anything.

NOTE: This character has yet to find herself. She still refers to herself with masculine pronouns for the time being. For unknown reasons to her, she avoids them as much as possible, though.