*Wright Gerou



8 years, 11 months ago


  • Wright Gerou

  • Age
  • Gender doesn't care
  • Race Renanin
  • Orientation unstated
  • Alignment lawful good

big bird with Big Depression


Birthday: June 21st
Origin: ███
Height: 17'
Build: lean/elegant large bird, neck between egret and bustard
Demeanor: can carry himself in a self-important or aloof manner but mostly he is a huge dork, generally quite affable
Voice:Leonard Cohen's
  • puzzles
  • raw fish
  • music
  • summer
  • cerulean blue

Nicknames: Legato (Davide), Dr./WriWri (Illah), Angel (Taylor, sarcastic), Bigs (Ctya)

  • low ceilings
  • dairy (him bird)
  • recklessness
  • phrase "bird-brained
  • Taylor lol


  • actually female he just doesn't give a shit and has never bothered to correct anyone

Sound of Silence - Dia Prometido ♪

Mi Yitneni Of - Qiyans Krets  || You Want it Darker - Leonard Cohen ♫

Seeming- Helios || Flowers from Exile - Rome || Black Water - Apparat ♪

♫   Vesuvius - Sufjan Stevens || When the Tigers Broke Free - Pink Floyd ♫

He Ain't Heavy, He's My Brother - The Hollies ♪

Wardrobe & Inventory

He's covered in feathers and is also huge so obviously he doesn't/cannot easily wear clothing but he does love wearing thin (often sheer) fabrics as oversized scarves and the like. He gravitates towards jewelry, especially topaz and tarnished bronze and anything cerulean (his favorite color) but generally avoids wearing them much due to fear of losing them while flying.

To stow things on his travels he has a large custom canvas messenger-style bag.

Drawing Notes

  • his beak color varies with the seasons, blushing more red in spring/early summer and then fading back to brown
  • reference egrets and bustards for his anatomy. black skimmer can be referenced but honestly nothing matches his beak because it's weird and impractical lol
  • 4 tall head feathers. on each side: one coming from behind eye, one coming from "eyebrow" area
  • two wing claws per wing

Motifs: orange carp scales, marshes, golden light, cerulean sheer silk, topaz, raw fish/sashimi

HTML by lowkeywicked; edits by me

"I'm not sure this is wise."


Wright is basically like a giant feathery mom when it comes to the people he cares about. He's often cautionary. He can be a bit dorky, even awkward (and this is augmented by his sheer size he never knows how to carry himself around people especially around buildings and whatnot as he always is hitting things).  He loves "dad humor" like puns and enjoys a good riddle to occupy his mind. Wright becomes terrifying when his loved ones are in danger and it is in these instances one can understand why his species is the inspiration for dragon myths.

Wright is quite intelligent but struggles with some things most humans take for granted, he is unable to count past his fingers for example. On the other hand, his linguistic abilities surpass most people (or perhaps all people) in terms of acquiring new human languages. He can learn a new one in about a week or so and his mimicry of phonemes is amazing aside from those that involve lip movement (such as rounded vowels, w's, and b's/p's which sound slightly off or accented).

Wright is a huge fan of music. Growing up in the Gerou household meant he grew a taste for piano. He is able to mimic it perfectly along with many wind instruments (his other favorite) and his own improvisations. His calls are beautiful and can carry rather long distances.


WIP// According to Davide's father, Wright was "found" shortly after Davide was born. He was reared alongside him and while teaching Davide how to talk, it was discovered just how intelligent Wright was -- becoming fluent in French way quicker than a human infant could. Curious, his adoptive father instructed him in Arabic and English and he picked it up both of them too with minimal effort (Davide only ever acquired English and French). He was soon reading to Davide while they still were living in the nursery together. To this day, Wright feels strongly protective of Davide. It is quite possible he views him as his "charge".

Wright did not develop like other birds (it is unknown if this is typical of his species as Renanin remain quite elusive or too dangerous to interact with). He remained in the "downy" phase for years, his brain developing much quicker than his body more like a human being. Some guess it could be due to being fed an initally improper diet (the Gerous tried but how were they supposed to know his diet needs to be mainly fish?). He was mostly housebound in those years but his family would take him on camping trips in desolate areas where he would discover his knack for fishing. Wright grew much faster after that but he still did not hit his major growth spurt until around the time Davide entered puberty. He became this giant awkward partially downy creature and finally began to develop his flight feathers.



Daemon AU: Text












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[ relationship ] Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse sit amet massa blandit, fermentum enim a, scelerisque velit. Integer interdum urna ac dui sollicitudin sollicitudin. In feugiat posuere nulla, eget lobortis ante.