
"But you don't deserve to deal with that.." - Omen to Vox.

Omen Azure

[ About ]


Omen Azure is a hellborn demon. He was born in the lust ring of hell with his mother, father, sister and brother. His mother was a witch whom had died and was burnt in the salem witch trials. His father was a mafia member who had died from his own brother. His father quickly rose to an overlord in hell and soon developed his own powers, being known as the "Nightmare Overlord." Omen had as a normal life as one could imagine in the lust ring of hell, but his brother and sister were close with him. His mother was cold and distant and their father was always busy. But they were happy, they were known as "the Azure family." He developed his own powers soon enough and was powerful in the light of blue electricity, his sister developed shadow manipulation. And his brother developed the power of fire. Omen eventually was cursed by his brother, causing him to turn into a massive creature if he got too angry. He could not use his powers in this form as it was already a massive creature, but he eventually left home and went to live in IMP city. He started to kill, and thus owning up to his name, Omen. He would get close to somebody, and make an anonymous statement that that certain demon would die, and the next day they would. He was known as the Omen killer. Blitz eventually saw that and offered him a job, Omen now resides in IMP city as he works for I.M.P.

[ Personality ]


  • Soda
  • Pumpkins
  • Capes


  • Water
  • Rabbits
  • Grief


Omen is a rather sadistic cat demon, but he has his sweet side when hes with his boyfriend. Zyphir. Omen would die for the one he cares about most, he did have a crush on Blitz at some point. But he cares for his boyfriend, and somewhat for his family. Omen is sadistic and adores killing, but he often shows a softer side when demons are sad. He'll try to comfort them and make them happy again, cause he knows how hard it is to feel that way.

[ Basics ]

AGE 21

[ Story & Trivia ]

Omen was first born in the lust ring of hell. He lived with his mother, father, brother and sister in a large house in the direct middle of the ring. They were known as "the Azure family.", as they were semi rich down there. His mom was a witch who had died in the salem witch trials by being burnt, her name being Obeana. His father was named Nightmare, named after the powers he got after dying in the mafia. He is the overlord of Nightmares, bringing the nightmares upon the demons, angels and human realm. He is responsible for all nightmares we humans have. His sister, Salem. He was close with her until she got more murderous than him, Omen was the "innocent," one of the family. His brother, Blaze. Wanted to show him that he had to toughen up, so one night, he cursed Omen. Causing Omen to turn into a massive cursed creature.

Omen eventually found out about this curse and was horrified, not knowing who it came from. It would burst out of him everytime he got too mad, which was often. He was stressed everytime he'd get mad for fear that he'd turn into the beast once more. He eventually left home when he was 20 and went to live in IMP city. He started to kill, and he lived up to his name "omen." He'd get close to his chosen victim, before making an anonymous message stating who was next to be killed. And they would, hence giving him the name "Omen killer." Blitz eventually saw this and offered him a job in I.M.P. So now he resides in IMP city with his boyfriend, working at I.M.P.

  • Omen had a crush on Blitz at one point.
  • Omen was "adopted" by Lucifer Magne at some point, giving them a playful hateful, son and father relationship.
  • He is extremely gay. Very. Very, gay.

[ Relationships ]


Zyphir Eveningshine

Zyphir and Omen met when Omen began to work at I.M.P. Zyphir was working there at the time Omen joined. They quickly started clashing, with Omen's overbearing, irritating personality and Zyphir's grumpiness. Quickly though, they became close. It didn't take long for these 2 lovebirds to fall in love and get married, they are together to the day and would never let anything happen to one another.


Salem Azure

Him and his sister used to be close when they were younger, however like all siblings. They'd fight and fight and fight. However when Omen got cursed, it all changed. Salem stopped talking to him as much, and they grew apart. Omen developed his electricity powers while Salem began to explore her shadow manipulation powers. They clash and clash and still fight to this day, they hate eachother, but still care for eachother. If Salem had Omen pinned and she was about to kill him, she'd accidentally "Miss". Likewise for Omen.


Blaze Azure

Blaze is the one who cursed him. They always clash and clash, but they must clash the most. Blaze and Omen despise eachother with everything they both are. They used to be close when they were younger, much like Omen and Salem used to be, yet when Blaze cursed him. That all went downhill.