
2 years, 9 months ago


Voltaire “Volt” Olumi Hailstorm (“Evil, beware! … Er, that was kinda cheesy. Can I start over?”)

The feral fighter with a gentle soul underneath! Volt is pretty much the kindest person anyone can expect to meet. He wouldn’t hurt a fly, generally tries to get along with everyone, loves superhero comics… Oh, yeah. And he’s got enough strength to lift up a building and an electric beam that could light up the sky. You know, typical traits in a person.

Volt’s the younger brother to Firefly, and makes up the superhero duo, the Thunder Thieves! The name was Volt’s idea, clearly. He and Firefly struggled a bit to cooperate, but one day, after the energy wave spread across their city, the duo gained powers that left quite the shock. Pun intended! Volt got electricity he can fire off from his claws or maw, and enhanced strength! Yet that being said, he only really used his powers in emergency situations or to stop a villain at work. He’s got morals he aims to uphold!

Volt is a goofball at the end of the day. He’s playful, friendly, and tries to be the moral compass of the duo, nudging his sister in the right direction. He does have a temper though! Hurt those he holds close, and he’ll show you what those claws can do! Regardless, he’s being trained by Pineapple (his totally not girlfriend haha what are you guys talking about) and is helping Cuisine City learn to coexist with the Metas trying to find their place in the world, and has a bright future ahead… even if he has to knock around some villains along the way.

- Volt lives in Cuisine City, named after it’s well respected food commerce! … so much so that the people who live there are named after food. It’s a funny life, but a pleasant one all the same!

- Volt loves comics and action cartoons. He still hasn’t really grown up, but that doesn’t seem to bother him. Honestly, he likes taking his time with life!

- He and Firefly are trying to find a way to keep their powers a secret from their mother. Bless her heart, but odds are she would freak out if she found out her kids were superheroes…

- Volt’s appetite is as big as his heart… that is to say, it’s huge. Not to mention his teeth can shred through all kinds of material! Delicious food, some light snacks, occasionally solid steel… typical things to bite into.