Wintry Penn



6 years, 9 months ago


Wintry, deaf since birth, is a photographer. At a young age, he began carrying disposable cameras around, in hopes to capture pictures of the ominous figures he's been seeing for as long as he can remember. Lacking proper communication skills, it was hard for Wintry to convey to his family that he was seeing things that weren't really there — or to his understanding — wouldn't show up in the pictures he took. It wasn't until his teenage years that they learned that Wintry was prone to hallucinations. Still, it was the act of carrying around a camera with him wherever he went that awoke his passion for photography, as well as grew on him as an object of comfort. Now in his mid-twenties, Wintry works for a modeling agency as the company's first deaf photographer. No matter where he goes, he never leaves his camera behind. He's something of a young prodigy.


★┆GENDER : (Cisgender) Male

★┆RACE : Human

★┆ORIENTATION : Asexual, Panromantic

★┆AGE : 26

★┆ CLOTHING OF CHOICE : Black & White Striped Shirt / Black Pants

★┆ EYE COLOR : Dark Brow / Black-ish

★┆ HAIR COLOR : Silver

★┆ SKIN : Slight tan / Darker where the freckles gather

★┆ HEIGHT : 5'11"

★┆ TRAITS : Reserved, composed, withdrawn.

★┆ CAREER : Photographer