Lily Cross



2 years, 7 months ago



A scribe and an archivist of hell, her job was to manage the records of Hell's knowledge, preserving them for all eternity whilst never seeing the places they described. Then one day, she was pulled from the depths of Hell and forced to contract with a human child to act as his mother until he was grown or another suitable guardian appeared. What could go wrong?


"I will act according to the contract and no more."

Born of the primordial forces that beget all her kind, Lily was merely a nameless imp working as an archivist and scribe in one of the vast libraries of Hell. She was used to bullying from more powerful demons and facing discorporation in the name of defending forbidden knowledge, though she wasn't above sneaking peeks at some of this knowledge for herself.

On an otherwise unremarkable day she was transcribing some scrolls when she was suddenly caught up in a vortex of light. Before she had time to react she was transported to the mortal world, sealed within a human body freshly returned to life. She felt the brand of a contract seared upon her soul and knew at once that she was meant to protect the child before her, staring at her with hopeful eyes that quickly turned cold.

Demons are known for slipping out of contracts, and Lily was no exception. She tried her best to find a loophole but the contract had been very carefully worded. She could use this to her advantage later, so she allowed herself to play along at first, though this quickly went to the backburner when she saw the human world she'd only known through ink and parchment with her own eyes. How hard could it be to be a mother?


  • Books
  • Ink
  • Paper
  • Magic Artifacts
  • Sunlight
  • ...Jasper


  • Holy Water
  • Clergy
  • Sacred Artifacts
  • Other Demons
  • Witchhunters
  • Jasper's Father


  • Demons have little to no concept of gender, so while she presents as female and uses she/her pronouns Lily is technically agender. She does enjoy exploring the human concept of womanhood.
  • In her demon form, Lily is a small maroon imp with a stubby tail. She was born with it, so the closest thing she had to a name in the Hells was "Stubby."
  • Lily carries a diary from the former occupant of the body which is written in Infernal meaning only she can read it. She has not disclosed much of what is inside to Jasper.
  • Lily possesses a vast knowledge of spells and magics of great power, though her own innate power is limited compared to her peers.
  • Lily documents everything she experiences in her human body. Everything. Down to the cellular level. She would fill out a library in a single day if she wasn't using a very special kind of Infernal shorthand.
  • She won't admit it, but she has grown fond of the human child.

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"I don't understand your human emotions, but I shall try to do better in the future if that will help."

Lily appears to be stoic, mainly because in her demonic form she lacks the ability to emote with her facial features, instead showing emotion with her tail. She also tends to speak in a monotone, even cadence, though this is getting better with practice. This means it is hard to tell what she is feeling at first and has led to countless misunderstandings.

Lily is highly curious, eager to try new things provided they don't put her health or contract at risk. She is also fiercely protective of her charges, whether they be the books of her library or the bratty human child she's saddled with. The way emotions affect the human body is endlessly fascinating to her and she finds herself emoting more and more like a human as time goes by.


  • Aenean sollicitudin ullamcorper
  • Nec pharetra nunc iaculis quis
  • Integer mattis lorem
  • Facilisis justo vehicula
  • Donec aliquam
  • Sapien a dignissim


  • Maecenas ac augue libero
  • Quisque iaculis
  • Maecenas iaculis tortor
  • Nunc vel urna
  • Donec vel lacus arcu
  • Sed ut euismod magna


  • Vestibulum at sagittis quam
  • Habitasse platea dictumst
  • Aliquam sit amet ultrices
  • Aliquam ac libero nisl
  • Morbi eget magna
  • Fermentum lectus sed


  • Praesent vestibulum aliquet
  • Fusce mattis dignissim
  • Etiam tellus
  • Vehicula bibendum dolor
  • Dapibus auctor et rhoncus
  • Aenean id orci a enim
  • Introvert Extrovert
  • Intuitive Observant
  • Thinking Feeling
  • Judging Prospecting
  • Assertive Turbulent

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  • Hair Color Brown
  • Eye Color Brown/Glowing Orange
  • Skin Color Olive
  • Height 5'11"
  • Clothing Style Cozy
  • Skinny Large
  • Curvy Tall
  • Fat Muscular
  • Groomed Messy
"This human form is limiting."

Lily looks fairly average with her brown hair and brown eyes, and aside from being rather tall and pretty there is nothing remarkable about her. The only hint of her demonic nature is the flash of orange that appears in her eyes when firelight hits them or whenever she uses magic. Her shadow also sometimes gives her away, taking the form of an imp when she is low on power.

She tends to rely on Jasper for fashion advice, as being left to her own devices has led to very eccentric outfits that he wouldn't allow her out the door with. She tends to favor comfort over looks, however, and if it takes longer than thirty minutes to put on she simply won't bother.

Design Notes

  • Etiam ac neque et enim interdum dapibus at nec orci.
  • Phasellus blandit iaculis massa vel fermentum.
  • Cras quis neque et orci varius ultrices eu ultricies lectus feugiat odio tellus.
  • Quisque urna orci, gravida a viverra ac, blandit nec ex.
  • Phasellus finibus mauris ut vulputate mollis.
  • Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.
Click for Reference

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art by MagicalPouchOfMagic

Name:Jasper Son/Contractor

Bratty and stubborn, Jasper is not easy to look out for. Add to that being a necromancer in a society where that is very frowned upon whilst being a demon which is ALSO very frowned upon and Lily has her work cut out for her. Still, the two have formed a strong bond and see each other as family, and heaven help whoever threatens their family.


art by baydews

Name: Zendev Friend(?)

An elven exorcist that at first attempted to banish her back to the hells, now an invaluable ally and teacher of Jasper's. Also one of the first mortals that Lily reacted warmly too, after the misunderstanding with the exorcism was cleared up.


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Name: Relationship

Integer vel tortor ligula. Proin quis luctus eros. Curabitur et lacinia tellus, sed feugiat ipsum. Suspendisse quam nisi, aliquam sit amet mauris vitae, pellentesque varius massa.


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Name: Relationship

Proin sodales ornare velit non luctus. Ut consequat augue vel arcu egestas pulvinar. Fusce hendrerit lectus at nisl vestibulum convallis nec ac dui. Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra.


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Name: Relationship

Nulla facilisi. Donec ultrices dolor nec est elementum, consectetur vulputate lectus auctor. Vestibulum congue at urna et consectetur.


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Name: Relationship

Pellentesque finibus scelerisque pharetra. In vulputate iaculis pharetra. Ut mattis, mauris eget bibendum finibus, libero magna auctor tellus, ut blandit odio ante non urna.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed sed ultricies odio, ac pellentesque leo. Mauris lacus dolor, dignissim quis augue iaculis, sagittis consectetur turpis. In varius eget leo et tempor. Nulla malesuada diam ut ullamcorper blandit. Vestibulum leo eros, fringilla auctor pellentesque sit amet, tristique in quam. Fusce sodales dolor dolor, et laoreet nisi consectetur ut. Nulla volutpat ipsum eu fermentum pellentesque. Donec quis luctus dui. Ut nec orci varius, viverra sapien non, hendrerit lectus. Sed ac posuere nisi. Pellentesque fermentum tempus dolor, semper bibendum ligula lobortis nec. In at libero quis lectus eleifend imperdiet in eu justo. Vestibulum placerat tristique convallis. Vestibulum et facilisis tortor. Curabitur ut mauris vitae urna imperdiet aliquam.

Nam posuere, ex ac posuere aliquet, ex lorem convallis mi, a rutrum nunc ligula a odio. Aliquam erat volutpat. Mauris finibus fringilla erat, sit amet eleifend nisi vestibulum id. In venenatis lorem elit, quis mattis lectus consectetur non. Vivamus non purus id leo mollis semper. Nullam quis dapibus ex, rutrum laoreet tellus. Maecenas eget urna turpis. Ut nec lectus molestie leo vulputate dictum. Aenean placerat tincidunt dignissim. Cras sem enim, facilisis in sollicitudin eu, tempor efficitur tellus. Ut cursus felis eu nulla porttitor, ac suscipit lacus tempor.

In viverra diam metus, eu posuere odio sagittis vel. Quisque aliquam ultricies ligula at maximus. Nam accumsan at est et cursus. In tellus turpis, fringilla quis quam a, ornare volutpat metus. Cras imperdiet lectus sit amet tempus laoreet. Sed dignissim nisi ac ipsum gravida, nec bibendum lacus gravida. Maecenas eget condimentum enim, nec ultricies nunc. Donec sit amet accumsan lacus. Pellentesque egestas in ex tristique viverra. Cras fringilla pharetra imperdiet. Integer mollis massa et ante pretium sodales. Ut euismod finibus diam, at ultrices turpis condimentum id. Donec posuere elit eget ante accumsan finibus.

Sed condimentum volutpat euismod. Sed luctus ultricies diam id ultrices. Fusce id porta tortor, nec lacinia mauris. Fusce quis euismod dui, sed pellentesque tellus. Nunc sed lobortis lacus, eu sollicitudin velit. Mauris dictum enim a consequat venenatis. Vivamus et metus at lectus fermentum imperdiet ac vitae dolor. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Integer non cursus turpis, sit amet interdum ante. Vivamus sit amet fringilla orci, in posuere ligula.


Nullam iaculis augue diam, tincidunt eleifend mauris elementum accumsan. Ut metus orci, fermentum eget aliquam et, interdum sit amet turpis. Donec ultricies ante non ligula vestibulum, eget tempor lacus sagittis. Nunc tempor ac nisl nec porta. Donec rhoncus pretium risus sit amet lobortis. Nunc accumsan egestas lectus vel suscipit. Nam purus nibh, tincidunt non aliquet in, gravida blandit nulla. Aenean turpis quam, posuere ac auctor vitae, finibus non metus. Sed fermentum leo a semper lobortis. Nam nec eros auctor, placerat augue eget, volutpat metus. Vestibulum in imperdiet diam. Pellentesque ullamcorper, elit at pharetra consectetur, purus magna porttitor turpis, luctus fermentum ex metus a justo. Curabitur id interdum sapien, eu venenatis augue.

Nullam euismod dapibus nisl, ut pellentesque sapien efficitur sit amet. Duis ut nisi nec nisi molestie elementum. Pellentesque elementum urna vitae magna ullamcorper euismod. Vivamus sed consequat velit. Nulla lobortis condimentum nunc et accumsan. Nam aliquam justo vitae volutpat tempor. Mauris quis lobortis nisi. In est nunc, accumsan sed malesuada vel, euismod commodo odio.

Present Day


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Fusce egestas posuere dolor nec efficitur. In at purus cursus, vestibulum magna in, vulputate sapien. Etiam dictum volutpat libero, quis maximus enim hendrerit in. Proin dignissim est ut fermentum venenatis. In vitae ipsum blandit, tempus turpis vel, vehicula urna. Donec sapien dolor, gravida vel porta quis, porta sed metus. Vestibulum pellentesque purus sem, nec facilisis metus imperdiet a. Nam varius metus vel erat mollis placerat. Aenean est turpis, maximus vitae egestas id, semper a augue. Nunc tristique velit nunc, nec consequat quam pharetra vel. Ut tincidunt nibh vel metus lobortis egestas et sit amet mi. Fusce vulputate diam nunc, eu volutpat augue vulputate id. Sed commodo scelerisque orci, ut feugiat tellus malesuada vitae. Nunc accumsan egestas lectus vel suscipit. Nam purus nibh, tincidunt non aliquet in, gravida blandit nulla. Nullam euismod dapibus nisl, ut pellentesque sapien efficitur sit amet.

Nam nec eleifend ex. Sed scelerisque condimentum eleifend. Duis hendrerit ex et ligula porta, ut vestibulum nibh congue. In consequat urna sed gravida iaculis. Cras in magna in orci dignissim semper non id dolor. Praesent cursus lobortis libero, a auctor mauris suscipit non. Phasellus at augue non ex luctus porttitor. Fusce ut ipsum id nisl accumsan pretium. Sed urna quam, euismod eu aliquet vel, ornare vel arcu. Duis ut nisi nec nisi molestie elementum.



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