


2 years, 9 months ago



ah! shall we go to the beach? this reminds me of another time i-- wait, surely you don't mean for us to walk all that way on foot?

agender he/they clareph immortal (old) 5'5" air sign xii. hanged man

Star-forged with no shortage of stories to tell, Alma has been on their world-hopping journey for what seems like eons. Between their carefree disposition and the free-flowing conversation they supply, it can be easy to overlook the fact that, unlike most Clarephs, they seem to be touring the cosmos on their own.


Blithe and breezy, Alma is easily mistaken for someone much younger -- millennia younger. It would be difficult to meet a Clareph still traveling the stars who's seen more or lived longer than Alma. Nevertheless, he takes infinite joy in not acting his age: swimming through stars and reveling amongst civilizations, making new friends to cherish and annoy.

Still, there's a certain thoughtfulness beneath Alma's silliness that can be glimpsed from time to time. As to the deeper nature of this melancholy, it's difficult to say; precious few have been permitted true knowledge of Alma's heart. But then, perhaps it's just their age...

  • fair weather
  • seaside
  • cats
  • wing-preening
  • histories
  • sleeping
  • seafood
  • hot weather
  • storms
  • overly touchy people
  • long walks
  • rough textures

Alma has not always wandered the stars alone.

They had a partner, once: someone with whom they followed the threads of time, braiding strands of the heavens together. What happened to this partner, no one can say for certain... not even Alma. They only know that their magic -- normally a minor boon to Clarephs, especially the blessed -- seems to have unmade them somehow, a break in time.

Living on in a world which no longer remembers their traveling partner, Alma explores with little purpose beyond little joys: song; seasides; humanity, and things likes it. Though every day brings with it new loves and newer sights, the distance remains between them and the worlds they inhabit.