🤖;; Rupert



2 years, 9 months ago


Info Panel
Basic info _
Name Rupert
Age 137
Gender Agender
Species Robot Husky
Pronouns He/Him
Birthday 08/04/50
About _

Rupert is a robot made in the year 3050. His model was made to test out a time traveling machine that his creators brother-in-law had started working on. Rupert, due to being a robot, is cold, calculated and blunt. He wasn't made to socialise, just made to test out an unstable machine, so he didn't need to learn how to do that.

Rupert doesn't factor gender in potential partners at all, which means that if you asked for a label, he's say he's pansexual. He also doensn't factor gender in himself, so he would also say he's agender, though goes with the pronouns given to him by his creator.


Astrolagy, Biolagy, Learning about "Organics", Night Time, Owls, Technolagy


Because of how much he processes at once it often overwhelms him, so firework displays, Loud sudden sounds

Story _

Rupert knew what he was created for and he was content with it. He knew what the risk was, but progress was progress and he was excited to be apart of it. Rupert fully expected himself not to make it out of this. He knew he was the first, and oldest model being tested with the machine. He didn't expect, however, for the machine to break down and be completley unrepearable, the explosion killing the creator of the machine and setting the project back decades. He got through though, the time machine had worked! He shut down though minutes after getting to the other side in a maze of a cave system, incredibely damaged.

Rupert only woke up decades later to a strange organic repairing him. A few things were noticable first - Like the fact he wasn't in his own time. The questionable clothing style was enough, but also the way said organic had been repairing him and the tools used. The organic didn't notice that he was awake at first and Rupert had just watched for a while. When the organic noticed and the ice had been broken, he realised he was in the year 2021. He also realised that he had arrived in this time in 1911, meaning he had been out for 110 years! He goes home with the organic, which he quickly finds out is- what he describes himself as- "a journalist and explorer". Rupert moves in with him and they start a nice life together.

What happens though, when his brothers start to show up? What happens when Rupert finds out his creators company had gone corrupt, trying to change history for their own benifits when they knew the consequences of that? Rupert and his new partner were going to find out.

Trivia _
  • Because he was an advanced robot he has access to public networks and internet in his brain. In the time he had been sent to, this still applies, but he gets overwhelmed and confused with the intense differences.
  • Even after being repaired he was never able to be completely repaired, so he has some things like his spine and leg showing. Rupert notices that people stare, but doesn't mind, and is happy to answer questions.
Design _
Design Trait Blue Blood
Design Trait Left eye is example of what it looks like when he's accessing the internet
Design notes
  • When shading the necklace, the "gem" looks like rocky opal!
Relationships _
Travis (brother)



Theo (boyfriend)

This is his partner. Theo found him in the middle of a cave system and repaired him as best he could. They've had their fair share of fights, but they had gotten along very easily when they first found each other. Theo and Rupert compliment each other a lot and share interests that they love talking about them.


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