$20's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!


Character Permissions

Can be regifted
Can be retraded
Can be resold

Design Terms of Use

Kuroha_Kaito Global Rules

- If you resell my design, please sell at its original price. Unless you have extra art, you can increase the price.

- The characters you receive gifts from me or my raffle, please only regift or trade. You cannot resell what you get for free, unless you have extra art.

- My designs that you get through trade or offer cannot be resold for money if you do not add extra art or commission art for them (paper sketch or quick uncolor sketch do not count). After you add extra/commission art for them, my designs will start at $30.

- Please don't delete my design from TH. If you transfer ownership rights to someone other than TH, please transfer them to my sub account - Kaizer, which is the account where I store my designs for those who don't have TH.

- Once that character has been collaborated with another person, we reserve the right to put both our TOS on that character. Once you break one of the two TOSs, you are in violation of the TOS in possession of that character. 

- Anyone who breaks TOS, they will not be allowed to own my design and art anymore.

- Back out my adopt may be considered in the blacklist but depending on the extent of your violation.



Please do not trade or give my designs to them or you will also be blacklisted!

This is a public blacklist, there are still some people on my blacklist but I don't make it public.

- Ringo242/ Ringo2421/ Tini Ringo/ Net Song An

Reason: Used to have a bad impression of me.

- Eggsandwlch/ Pilot the cat/ egg_sanwlch

Reason: Disrespect me and my design, back out my adopt many times. They used to copy my design and give them to others. 

- iii

Reason: Be rude to me when I own a character that was inspired by Knite but the character was designed by a friend of mine. My friends accepted the redesign it, but they still disrespected us.

- Niwsh_25/ Yui_k.104 (Instagram)

Reason: Copy/heavily inspired my OC many times and sell them.