Azorian Flynn



2 years, 8 months ago
G2 A4


Azorian Flynn



















  • Resilient
  • Impulsive
  • Independent


  • Defiant
  • Grateful
  • Awkward





















A4 H4 G2 L5 X4 T1 W1 O3 P3 P8 P9 P10 P13 P14 P16 P17 P24 M1 M8



Born in Biolevion to a large dragon family, Azorian was the youngest of 12 siblings, all of whom were boys. Being the only girl amongst her siblings did not have any real impact on her childhood, she was treated all the same aside from the fact that she was the youngest. Her parents, overwhelmed by the number of children they had to care for, would leave young Azorian in the care of her older brothers more often than not. This was almost always a fine arrangement. While her brothers were quite the bullies, Azorian was more than capable of standing up for herself and holding her own against their rambunctious behavior.

When Azorian was 12 years old, she was kidnapped and taken away from her family. This event was later blamed on her brothers, who allowed her to wander off by herself, insisting she was plenty capable of handling anything that came her way and assuming that, because nothing had happened in the past, nothing would happen now. Azorian's family would search the local area, but would be unable to take more action due to the lack of police infrastructure in the area, and how little people seemed to care. Azorian would never see her family again.

Roughly 3 months after the abduction, Space Heart would stumble upon Azorian being held captive in a small shack. Space immediately got Azorian out of there, tending to her severely damaged state. Azorian had been slowly picked apart and looked a fright, but Space was determined to help. He set to trying to help her get home but was hit with a roadblock when he realized Azorian was not speaking. She would nod and shake her head, but only on certain questions relating to her own current state. Space figured she needed more time, bringing her home to his small family with intentions to someday return Azorian home to her family.


Now living with the Heart family, Azorian slowly settled into her new and unfamiliar surroundings. The family consisted of Space Heart, a mercenary who wasn't home often but decided to take a year to stay home and help Azorian. His wife, and his son Bleach. Azorian didn't interact much with the family outside of Space himself, only ever leaving her room when nobody else was around. Azorian never returned home, and it took her an entire year to say anything again. Before this, Space recognized Azorian's potential as a fighter and began training her in hand-to-hand combat. It seemed like the only time Azorian was happy and at ease was during those moments. At the end of that year, Space brought Azorian aside to give her a gift; a spear. Space explained that the spear belonged to his family, but he thought Azorian might be quite good with a spear, and wanted to begin training her with the weapon. Azorian was overwhelmed and grateful, finally speaking to voice that feeling and accepting the new training schedule.

Space would work on training Azorian for quite some time, spending more time with her than his own son at times (not that Bleach was upset about that). Despite all this time sunk into teaching her, Azorian was impulsive and aggressive, beyond what Space knew how to deal with. He would repeatedly explain that her rushing into a fight would get her in trouble, but she couldn't help it. Even by the end of their training, Azorian never quite got her grasp on her impulses.

When Azorian was 15, Space returned to his full-time work and would scarcely be seen around the house again. Simultaneously, Bleach would be sent away to a special school, leaving Azorian home with Space's wife. She didn't dislike the woman, but they didn't quite click. With this in mind, Azorian decided to leave home as well and seek out her family. Azorian would learn a lot about her own kind and spent ages traveling. Eventually, she would find her old home in the Sky Dragon Village. She bumped into one of her brothers on accident, but when she attempted to reveal her identity, they were only confused. It seemed in the years since she was taken away, the family accepted that she was likely dead and gone. So when Azorian came back, nobody knew how to react or whether or not to get their hopes up. When Azorian was brought back to the rest of her family, she felt incredibly awkward and out of place. She had changed a lot since they last met, she had outgrown them even. After her family finally accepted the reality of Azorian being alive and well, she decided she didn't belong with them anymore and set out on her own.






  • Her clothing can vary from incredibly fancy and well-made, to something far more casual. She truly prefers dressing casually, but knows she must dress nicer in public.
  • Azorian's hair unbraided will fall just above her waist, being a bit shorter cut on her right side.
  • She only has one full horn on her right, the other has been broken off and has not grown back.
  • Her horns sprout from the side of her head (behind the temple) and curve to grow forward.
  • The golden clasp that keeps her cloak on might be quite plain but was a gift from Space Heart. Because of this, she cherishes it and keeps it on her at all times.
  • The golden shapes on her boots are the symbol of her home culture's warriors.

It was almost as if Azorian became a completely different person overnight, joining in on family activities and talking with everyone instead of attacking. She was enrolled in school and even though she had a few fights, she did well to get along with others. Her time with Spaceheart became the thing she looked forward to every week. She wasn't allowed to have the spear unless she was training with Spaceheart so she has extra reason to be excited.

Spaceheart couldn't stay forever, though, he had entire planets to protect. After a year and a half of training Azorian, he had to say goodbye and his life became busy again. Azorian, however, didn't stay on that planet for very long. She packed up her belongings and headed off to Earth! She had heard about Earth from Spaceheart, who frequently used the planet as a vacation spot. He would talk about how peaceful it can be, enthusiastically talking about the nature. Azorian wanted to see it for herself.

Once she arrived on Earth, she settled in and got an apartment, a job, and found a place where she could spar with other folks like her who like fighting! She had her life set up on Earth and was eager to see what would come next.

As it turns out, not much! For a number of years, her life was rather dull. Just like in school, she did have the occasional argument and tussle, but it was generally peaceful. Until she met another dragon who had come to Earth. A large red fire dragon named Zyx, one that was very well-known to be bad news. Zyx was much larger than Azorian and far more powerful. He didn't use weapons, he used bare hands and fire. Even as a dragon, this guy is buff as hell. Azorian, who hadn't met another dragon in years, wanted to fight this newcomer on the spot. But when she challenged him, he laughed in her face and berated her.

One very notible flaw of Azorian's is that even though she was trained to fight by one of the best fighters to exist, she doesn't do a good job at continuing to do what she learned. She get excited and starts flailing and doing stupid things, not doing what Spaceheart told her to. This was why she would lose most of the fights she was ever in. This encounter with Zyx was no different.

Unfortunately, Zyx wasn't the kind to defeat someone and walk away, he is always out for blood. When Azorian didn't back down and kept pestering him, Zyx snapped her spear in half like a twig and used the sharp end to impale her, pinning her to a tree like you would pin a piece of paper to the wall with a thumbtack. Azorian felt herself slowly dying as her blood drained from her body, watching Zyx leave as her vision got blurry. Just before she lost consciousness, another figure appeared, a human one!

Jade, a young magician woman with long black hair and frequently walking around in a mask and cape, had witnessed the assault and quickly swooped in to help Azorian. She got Azorian off the tree and took her to a hospital. It took her a while to recover, but when she finally did, Azorian woke to Jade handing her the repaired staff and offering friendship! Azorian hadn't made much progress in making friends, so she was rather surprised by this!