
I finally went and made a Fan Kalarian, an alien species by  keetahspacecat :’D While her original birth given name is unknown, She goes by the nickname of ‘Sparky’ for both her rather energetic disposition and the fact she once mildly gave herself an electric shock while working on a robot. Now, Sparky is the albino variant for her species and does stand out, a lot. It doesn’t help matters much as she likes to dress like the poster child for a Lisa Frank fashion Blog. Don’t worry! The stickers on her face are certified safe for Kalarian usage! Sparky personality wise is extremely energetic, has no filter what goes through her mouth, definitely a whole lot outspoken, a certified space cadet, and generally just a very colorful out look on life. Story wise, Sparky was born as an off world Kalarian never really been to her home planet before hand. Sparky and her parents would often clash a lot on certain things, often times, Sparky doing things on purpose to get a rise out of her folks. Eventually, Sparky decided to up and run away from home. There Sparky was homeless for about six months jumping from shelter to shelter until she somehow by dumb luck landed an apprentice job at a repair shop. Sparky still works there to this day and has grown to love building stuff there on her spare time. Sparky is hoping to one day get a bot of her own design into a robot gladiator competition.