

2 years, 9 months ago



Name Duke Gascoigne

Gender Male

Age 338

DoB 20/11/2100

Height 6'4"

Species Human [Cyborg]

Occupation Scavenger








Birthplace New Mexico, USA



  • Sweet food
  • Anything mechanical
  • Cold beer


  • Cold temperatures
  • Flying his ship
  • Formal occasions

A lone human scavenger who escaped his planet in the early 2100s along with most other humans who had a functioning spaceship at the time, Duke has lived for a not-insignificant amount of time and spent much of his life offering his services as a mercenary. Consequently, he has lost a lot of his original body parts; however, due to his immense pain tolerance and mechanical aptitude it was never much of a problem for him to simply replace them with robotic parts. Having had his fill of wars and conflict for one lifetime, Duke now travels all over in his ship and gets most of his income from salvaging broken machines from scrapyards, fixing them, and selling them on.



  • The full list of original parts that Duke is missing: both lungs, one kidney, one eye, his heart, his liver, an arm, several large areas of skin, several fingers, part of his skull, part of his spine - and most obviously, nearly all of his throat including bones, muscle, skin, his windpipe, his voicebox, and part of his tongue.
  • Duke's throat was the first part he ever replaced as well as probably the most life-threatening injury he ever sustained, and consequently it was a bit of a rushed bodge job. This means there is a very visible metal plate across the side of his neck and his voice has an extremely crackly quality to it, as though he is constantly talking through a radio.
  • Contrary to the rather composed, cool exterior he presents to people who don't know him very well, Duke is actually very excitable and impulsive.
  • Most of his replaced parts are almost completely invisible unless you look very closely.
  • He owns and maintains his own spaceship, and is excellent at the mechanical upkeep of his craft. However, he's never been a very good pilot [even less so since the loss of his eye] and crashes her often. He would hire a pilot but he does not get on very well with other people and all previous attempts to travel with a crew of any size have failed miserably.
  • Duke only goes by his first name with friends. Business associates or acquaintances usually know him as just 'Gascoigne', or sometimes 'Gas'. Sometimes he pretends Gascoigne is a place that he is the duke of.
  • Duke never knew or met his parents. He was abandoned in a dumpster as a baby and was raised in a series of care homes and foster families. It doesn't really bother him though and he's never made any attempt to find his parents, because in his mind if they were that keen to abandon him then they probably wouldn't take very kindly to him showing back up. Also they're most likely dead by now.