Madame Chi-Chi



6 years, 8 months ago




Obtained: Info Here
Status: Active; Main
Worth: $999
Notes: Blue eyes rather than red.
Creator: Jayden

Layout by Jayden   •   Image by Unknown


adjective • adjective • adjective
Name Mikaela Birthdate May 1
Age Old Zodiac Scorpio
Gender Male Orientation Unknown
Species Vampire Voice Kenshō Ono
Relationship In love Song Song Link
Alignment Neutral Good MBTI ENTP

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Madame Chi-Chi, or Cheech for short, is not a natural species. Rather, she is an amalgam of Earthling species created by everyone's favorite gay-lien boy, Timmy.

One may look at her and say, "Yo man, what the fuck is this thing?!" Timmy looks at her and thinks she's one of the most adorable things in the multiverse.

DNA Used:

Banana, gecko, shark, deer, chameleon, coconut, axolotl, human

She is normally calm, but will flail around in an attempt to dance any time she hears mariachi music. Mariachi music is probably one of her favorite genres, with country being something she detests. Also, if anyone annoys her, she'll shoot highly acidic mucus from her eye-mouth at them and screech loudly at them.

One weird thing about her is that she randomly grows bananas on her neck. This is how she reproduces, but, because she doesn't want kids at all, she wants people to eat the bananas.

Because of a certain pigment in their hair, Cheech instinctively cuddles with ginger children. We have no idea why.