Emerson Moore



2 years, 8 months ago


Full Name: Emerson Moore

Gender: Male (he/him)

Species: Human

Birthday: September 30 (23 years old)


Physical Appearance: Very slightly shorter than average for his age, thin but sturdy, sharp cheekbones, nose, and chin, short blond hair either swept back or upwards, thin-ish brown eyes

Personality: Confident and brash, portrays himself as a stereotypical cool guy jock, actually super dorky and funny overconfident class joker, can be very charismatic, passionate about his interests and disinterests, emotional, 

Backstory: Born to Jackson and Lamara as Emerson Burtz, his name was changed to Emerson Moore after his parents divorced. He lives with his mother, Lamara Moore. He doesn’t remember much from before, but Lamara always tells him that there was never any ill-will, just a marriage that couldn’t work out. Regardless, they rarely ever see Jackson. He was very influenced by his mother, disregarding school and prioritizing reckless fun. He ended up quickly dropping out of school and getting a job as a construction worker. He started dating Daisy Nicholas around this time and later met Will through his job.

Extra Info: Tends to ramble when he’s comfortable around someone, mom cooks for him everyday so he doesn’t know how to cook

Likes: video games, parties, American and junk food, the color orange, comedy, drama, physical activities, romance

Dislikes: spicy food, people he doesn’t agree with, school


Artist notes: N/A