Sleetstone's Ownership

Please read the Characters FAQ for further information on permissions and original ownership!

Character Permissions

Cannot be transferred for any reason.

Design Terms of Use

PythonDrawsLeTrash Global Rules

You May:

•change the design as it’s yours I only ask that you don’t heavily change the design of the character (you can make a simplified version of the design)

•you may purchase a design for your friend just tell me their user and I’ll transfer it to them

You Can’t:

•please do not sell my designs for more then what you purchased them (there is an exception if they has been art made of them then you may sell for more)

•do not heavily reference my designs (light referencing is fine)

•please don’t use my designs for discriminating groups of people (racism, homophobia, transphobia, etc.)


•if you share the character on another platform I ask that you please credit me (a link or just my user, either of them works)