Supervisor Iosif



2 years, 8 months ago


Supervisor iosif

Unyielding • Vigilant • Introverted

A long time Llawes Corporation employee, more currently known as one of the first points of contact for new Unbleeders. Responsible for training new recruits in the art of combat alongside helping them to grow accustomed to their newfound capabilities (being blessed with biological weaponry and superhuman strength doesn't necessarily mean that you're adept at using it, after all...) and is noted to be an incredible fighter even without the boons of his transformation, personally specializing in hand to hand and close range. Not one to hold back where it counts; though he has everyone's best interests at heart, he's a believer in tough love on the field and utilities it freely.

A private man outside of his duties, easily described as introverted. He prefers quieter company and maintains a clear divide between his professional and personal life. Not shy, though notably a man of few words. Intimidating.

Supervisor Iosif
Thirty four
Cis male, He/him
6'3", Well built
Combat Teacher
Llawes Corporation
Rare, UB#253

Though the corporation is known most famously for its scientists and the Unbleeders who roam the streets, Llawes is home to a broad roster of staff with equally important roles behind the scenes: among them, is Iosif. Though Unbleeders are blessed with great power and an innate thrill for the fight, Iosif has learned over the years that not everyone knows how to wield their newfound weapons with artfulness or efficiency, which is where he comes in.

As the current combat teacher at Llawes Corporation, often known simply as the Supervisor, he's one of the first faces that many new Unbleeders meet and become well acquainted with once they leave the careful observations of the doctors responsible for their transformations. While Iosif is far from gentle in nature and is in fact an individual with... perhaps, less than stellar bedside manners, many remark that his sense of purpose is grounding and uniquely comforting all the same during what is a transitional period of their lives. He teaches Unbleeders how to manage and utilize their strengths, on top of helping many to stay fit in body and mind. Oftentimes, those post death are in need of varying physical therapies and uniquely tailored exercise regiments to suit the state of their bodies, many routines of which Iosif also has a hand in establishing.

He takes great time to ensure that each of the Unbleeders in his care leave in as peak of condition as they're able to be, and aims consistently to ease anxieties and inexperience with regards to bodily changes. Prone often to the usage of tough love, but is by no means sadistic or abusive: he challenges people, pushes them to their limit with a professional understanding of how to do so, all in the name of optimization and encouraging confidence to blossom. Think of him akin to a math teacher who offers you increasingly harder brain teasers to stimulate the mind; in that regard, he wants his recruits to feel fulfilled and to be at the top of their game. 


A thoroughly private individual. Iosif seldom speaks of his personal life, much less his background, and maintains a strict professional divide between his work and home personas. What many will know is that he has Romanian parentage, noticeable only in the trace accent that lingers after spending a good portion of his life in Caer Sidi. Rumor has it that he once held a different position within the company itself, though the claims have yet to be confirmed or denied by himself or anyone who could corroborate as a coworker. 


Introverted, though far from shy. Iosif is a man of few words and tends to speak with an involuntary brusqueness. It's unclear if he was always this way or if his quieter personality is a byproduct of a different lifestyle post death; whatever the case, it should be known that Iosif isn't one who will allow himself to be walked over despite being laconic, and his tendencies don't speak of his confidence. He's someone with a great faith in his capabilities as a teacher and a fighter, carrying an assured aura with him everywhere he goes and oftentimes unintentionally, an aura of intimidation with it. He's cool headed and assertive in his teachings, with the mettle and stability necessary to handle even the most rambunctious and volatile of personalities. Iosif takes no shit and gives respect as respect is given to him, though a lack of respect from pupils is likely to be met only with a steeliness and tonal bite that tends to cow misbehavior. Hardly one to raise his voice or engage in screaming matches—Iosif settles nonsense with well honed looks and fighting prowess. For all of these traits, it should be noted that Iosif cares greatly for each and every Unbleeder under his care and, while his love may not be the coddling sort, he would do just about anything to aid his pupils in finding their footing. Has something of a brotherly aura to him in his protectiveness and wisdom.  


Learning, Reading | Folklore
Hiking, Jogging, Exercise
Body modifications 


Social events | Press events
No sense of personal space


Fluent in English and Romanian, dabbling in both Welsh and Latin alongside it. Having lived in Caer Sidi for most of his life, Iosif's accent is faint.
Enjoys literature and learning, despite his inclination towards fighting. Not a brute with no brains and resents the notion. Has an affinity for the sciences and feels a natural pull towards written folklore, particularly those of his home country. Well read and ████ ██ ███ ███████ █████████ █████ ██ █████ █████████████, marking their significance to him.
A fan of body modification. Has many piercings and many transformative surgeries, such as tooth recontouring and ear shaping.

Another blurb for personality or trivia. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis sollicitudin elit sed tellus blandit viverra sed eget odio. Donec accumsan tempor lacus, et venenatis elit feugiat non. Duis porta eros et velit blandit dapibus. Curabitur ac finibus eros.

Designer luciphobia
Current Worth $
  • Insert: Simple curved horns, Closed Cor (R)
  • Amount: Two (U)
  • Position: Head (C)
  • Cor material: [REDACTED]
  • Dilated eyes: Solid Colour (U)
  • Weapon: [REDACTED]

Kaida Himawari  Coworker 

Coworkers and, depending on when you ask him for his opinion on the matter, friends. A good man and efficient at his job; Iosif only wishes Himawari wouldn't insist on blowing up his phone outside of work hours. 

Ari  Coworker 

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Name  relation 

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