Yumbo's Comments

hiiii! what kind of offers are you willing to consider for this design?

This design is quite old, so Just lookin for a preexisting design or like a singular art piece 

Oh sweet! i have some designs available here (The ones at the top are not for trade but the rest i’m willing to consider.. no garuntee)

or i can do a headshot! 

Could I ask for https://toyhou.se/4131510.bubba ? They have the same name as me so I was kinda drawn in'

If Not, I'm fine to take a headshot

I'm willing to give Bubba up, however considering Bubba has more art then the design i'm interested in trading for, are you willing to add more to the trade?

Yeah, feel free to pick another old design from My Ota pile that you'd like

3 Replies