


8 years, 9 months ago


Owner Creator Designer

Name: Legend Renaud
Age: 24 years old
Gender: Male
Ethnicity: American [Filipino-Caucasian]
Height: 5'11
Orientation: Gay 

Pokemon Rotom
Ability Levitate

Ominous Wind
Thunder Bolt 


Legend's age is often betrayed by his temperament--he is energetic, impulsive, cocky, and obstinate--traits that combine to get him into trouble more often than not. While he is in no way hyperactive, rather more laid-back and at-ease, he is constantly doing something or switching gears, with a considerably short attention span. He has an endless source of energy it seems, and whenever left with nothing to do for too long, he can get quite restless. Beyond that, he is confident in his looks, his capability, and his abilities, and can even at times come off unpleasantly arrogant. His abilities are somewhat chaotic, and directly reflect his emotions. He has been prone to moments of aggression or violence when pushed, but has never reacted in anything other than self defense. 

He doesn't take things seriously; waltzing through life with a generous sense of humor and a sarcastic wit that sometimes belittles even more serious situations. This has become his coping mechanism in dealing with several difficult hurdles in his life, but he has never been the type to dwell or to mope. Rather, he uses his experiences as fuel--desperate for the freedom to roam as he pleases, and act as ridiculously immature as he wants. All in all, he's a good person who aspires to always do the right thing; sometimes this is achieved with greater success than others. 


Legend was born into a world unprepared for all he was capable of. He was a Powered, an individual born with incredible abilities, alive during a time where society could not understand, and refused to embrace, those like him. His single mother had little to offer in the way of money or spoils, but she loved Legend more than anything and gave him more than enough affection. Still, she recognized what her son was, like her, and worried about what would happen were he ever to be discovered. She taught her son to hide his true nature; to 'fit in' with humans and the normal people, and to never use his abilities no matter what. Unfortunately, the rambunctious young Rotom could not contain his power, not only because of his energetic temperament, but thanks to the chaotic combination of electricity and ghost-energies that constantly battled for dominance within him. 

He was doomed to fail. By the time he was a teenager, Legend was on the run. He could not hide his powers no matter how hard he tried, and it did not take the law long to seek him out. He evaded capture for as long as he could--leading the government along on a prolonged game of cat and mouse--until he was finally ambushed and taken into custody at age nineteen. For the next five years, Legend was held in a facility where his abilities were restricted, his biology was studied, and his rights were utterly ripped away. It took him those five years, trapped in a sterile institution, to successfully escape. During a severe thunderstorm, the power grid of the facility flickered for a mere two minutes, and the young Rotom leapt at the opportunity. He evaded capture long enough to breach the limits of the remote prison, and came upon a truck stop where he bartered a ride to get as far away from that place as possible. He traveled for a time, unsure of where to land his ever-running feet, but ultimately came to Rosso city. There was a large population of Powered there, an underground network, and he was ultimately aided by them to keep him out of the government's eye. He was handed over to a cafe owner, Wilfried, for safe keeping, and was given a job in his shop.


  • His mother is in hiding and he sends her letters whenever he can.
  • Has an issue with authority and tends to overreact (usually aggressively) in the company of police, etc. 
  • His eyes are unusual: with blue pupils and white segmented irises (like a Rotom's).
  • Once wiped out the electrical grid of an entire metropolitan city while evading the authorites. 
  • Is an avid dancer; favoring hip-hop styles.