


6 years, 9 months ago


Name: Saorise

Age: 20

Personality: Seems confident and very cocky or snarky until someone discovers her true, anxious self. She isn't very brave deep down, but just is fragile and wants to be loved

Bio: her father died in a car wreck leaving her mom in a state of anguish. Her mother drinks to ease the pain but when drunk she beats Saorise. Saorise grew up hiding her true emotions, until she met Jinx, who saw her true self, and she fell in love with him, However can this love last? Does she ever feel safe again?

Beliefs: Christian

Hobbies: Singing, art and music

Other: When she gets super embarrassed or blushes, her ear tips turn red, and blush along with her. As a child, she was made fun of for her "elephant" sized fox ears and often holds them when they get perky or red. She feels embarrassed about how big they are. Another thing about her ears are that they never perk upright, they are so big that they are weighed down by their own weight. She feels very self-conscious about her ears and feels like sometimes she was born with the wrong ears.